Insurance Interns Head Overseas For Programs

July 4, 2016

Twelve Bermudian undergraduates left for Atlanta, Chicago, and London this past weekend in order to start their two week BFIS ‘Intro‐to‐insurance’ summer intern programmes.

Each team of four students will be “learning in depth about all aspects of the insurance business.”

Traveling to Atlanta were Chelsy Furtado [accounting/Acadia], Tyler Kerr [finance/Western Ontario], Alexandra McMartin [business communications/Brock], Daniel Ritchie [economics/Utrecht]; traveling to Chicago were Kyle Burgess [economics/St. Mary’s College of Maryland], Stephen Cox [project management/Elon], Julia Judd [accounting/Northeastern], Melanie Mendonca [international business/Western England]; and traveling to London were Eleanor Boyle [economics/Rollins], Jessica Burns [business management/Warwick], Tatyana Butterfield [risk management & insurance/Temple], Rachel Soares [international business/Western England].

A spokesperson said, “Over 30 companies and organizations will be hosting the students for meetings, presentations and work‐ shadowing. In addition to the intensive schedule, each group is also required to make the most of their free time by enjoying what each jurisdiction has to offer in terms of history and visitor experiences.”

Cathy Lapsley, BFIS Executive Director, said, “This is 11th year we have been able to offer students the opportunity to learn all they can about the insurance business in overseas markets; Chicago started in 2006, London in 2008 and Atlanta in 2012.”

[Front row] Daniel Ritchie, Melanie Mendonca, Rachel Soares, Tatyana Butterfield, Eleanor Boyle. [Back row] Tom Svensen, Arthur Begeman, Tyler Kerr, Kyle Burgess, Jane Bielby [BFIS], Alexandra McMartin, Terry Pimentel, Julia Judd, Stephen Cox:

BFIS overseas interns Bermuda July 4 2016

“We have found that these two short weeks can make an immeasurable difference to the students and help them to clearly focus on the direction their career will take. The number of students who have participated in the BFIS intern programmes totals 129, with almost all of those who have graduated now working in the insurance sector.”

“It takes a lot of organization and planning to coordinate these programmes and BFIS appreciates the help we get from the Katie School of Insurance and Finance alumni with the Chicago programme, and in Atlanta from former BFIS President, Mark Lima of Arch and Georgia State University, as well of course from all the companies, many of whom have hosted our interns every year since the overseas programmes started.”

“BFIS Trustee Terry Pimentel met with the interns at their briefing lunch last Thursday and emphasized the need to research both the companies and the people they would be meeting, and two of the 2015 interns, Tom Svensen [London] and Arthur Begeman [Atlanta] were also on hand to answer questions about what to expect and how to make the most of this opportunity.

“A presentation by all the 2016 intern groups will take place at lunchtime on July 21 at KPMG. Students interested in applying for the 2017 programmes are welcome to attend and should email BFIS at”

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Comments (25)

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  1. WOW says:

    WOW! Need I not say anymore.

    • Hot Take says:

      i was thinking it, you said it!

    • So Tired says:

      No, it’s evident

    • Zevon says:

      Why is the leadership of the AME church not representative of the demographics of the country?

      • Brainiac says:

        Zendrive, what is the demographics of this country?

  2. reddamtibi says:

    In other news, the wealth gap continues to grow in Bermuda…

  3. Real talk (original) says:

    Congratulations to all the interns who have been selected to take part in this program.

    I cannot help, however, but to notice that the demographics of this group (and in fact most of these groups) lean heavily in one direction. That is not to take anything away from the interns, however the picture painted should be cause for pause as we seek to balance some of the inequality and underrepresentation in certain segments of our community.

    Not an attack, just food for thought.

  4. Really!! says:

    Well done and congrats to all the students who have been chosen for such a game changing opportunity.

    It really says something when in a country that is 65% black and where IB is 85%+ of the GDP that there is only one person from that demographic that is represented. Come on BFIS…really??

    While we can accept that at the top of the food chain the representation does not reflect the demographics but surely in 2016 with all the speeches by the Brian Duperaults about diversiity that at the entry level there would be at least 35% of this potential entry level group would be people of color…especially in Bermuda’s most prominent industry.

    While I salute people like Richard Winchell of ABIC, Darren Johnson CEO of PWC and Patrick Tannock CEO of XL Catlin who are well known for giving young Bermdians opportunities in IB.. they cannot do it alone. Other’s must step up if there is ever going to be a perceived level playing field in Bermuda.

    When black Bermudian’s see things like this it extinguishes the hope they have for their children getting a fair opportunity to show what they are capable of achieving and its in your face stuff like this that makes makes them resistant to pathways to citizenship proposals because if their children are having a tough time even getting a sniff now, what chance would they have had if the pathway to status legislation would have gone through!

    • Omni Present says:

      Maybe most of the 65% don’t WANT to be in insurance?

      • WOW says:

        Maybe 65% don’t WANT to be in insurance BUT IM ALMOST CERTAIN THAT WE HAVE ATLEAST 6 THAT DO!! Dislike all you want TRUTH HURTS!!

    • So Tired says:

      Absolutely none

  5. bluebird says:

    YOU have to apply,no one is going to come and knock on your door to ask if you want to go into Insurance.
    You also “NEED” the necessary “EDUCATION” otherwise it don’t matter “WHAT THE COLOR OF YOUR SKIN IS” they can’t Educate you where the schools have “FAILED”.
    They don’t run Education classes they teach “INSURANCE”
    This “BFIS” was started by a Bermudian.

    • Tired of seeing the same thing says:

      You have made a major assumption here…like others have said, LOOK at the picture!!! It ought to tell u something. What U conclude? Well, that will say a lot about you and your lens.

    • Take a moment. says:

      What a shame to see a response like this to an entirely fair and reasonable concern. While we celebrate the achievements of these bright young people, it is okay to ask about the conspicuous absence of others.

      You have layered your stereotypical and, frankly, racist assumptions upon an already concerning and appropriate question about representation of our community’s young black males (and females for that matter).

      Perhaps you can put the same energy into pausing…and understanding why the collective concern is being expressed before turning to your dismissive and absurd “CAPSLOCK” declarations.

      • Zevon says:

        I have a reasonable concern as well. The leadership of the PLP is not representative of the demographics of the country. Why are some sections of the community conspicuously absent from that group?

        • Missing the point. says:

          What a ridiculous commment to make. Sigh. Choosing to miss the point entirely. We are talking about our young people, their future and the future of our island. Grow-up.

        • Brainiac says:

          I have a reasonable concern here too! ZEVON/ZENDRIVE, WHY ARE YOU PRIVILEGED AND ENTITLED JUST BY THE COLOR OF YOUR SKIN?? Care to answer that….I BET NOT!!

  6. afrounistudent says:

    Lol look at the picture though…. they aren’t even trying to hide it anymore.

  7. Triangle Drifter says:

    Way back in 1998 a certain political party said that they were going to fix public education. What happened? There was a procession of how many Ministers of Education in how little time?

    Nothing changed. The seat warmers at the DOE are still there, keeping their seats warm till retirement day. By the numbers far more is spent per student per year in public education so it is not for lack of funding.

    What is it that those pictured above have in common than most likely an education in the private schools? Parental involment in their education more than likely.

    If anything the picture above is a condemnation of the public education system & a good reason to trash public education in favour for a voucher system.

  8. Point boy says:

    Most likely twelve of the brightest and best suited individuals for said program.

    Race is invalid. Have you seen pictures of the cricket and football teams.

    • Triangle Drifter says:

      Oh lets not get started with them. Perect example of what happens when the best & brightest are no chosen.