30 Minute Video: ZBM Evening News For Nov 9
Attorney General Trevor Moniz reassures the community he has taken steps to ensure public safety following the release from prison of a convicted pedophile, comments from chairman of the Joint Select Committee on safeguarding children, and what will a Trump presidency mean to Bermuda and its business sector, are some of the stories ZBM covered in their newscast this evening.
With an aim to expand the way they deliver their news to the community, the Bermuda Broadcasting Company is continuing to live stream their evening news programme online for viewers both on the island and abroad.
The live video will begin at 7.00pm, and play to 7.30pm, and then the replay will be available:
When you are sentenced to 25 years and released after 12 even though you refused to participate in any rehab, you have not “paid your debt” to society.
Yep. Also, prison sentences do not ever result in a ‘debt’ being repaid to the victims. The prison sentence is meant to punish the criminal, and to protect the rest of us from that criminal.
Obviously neither happens when the criminal is just let out.