67% Do Not Support Blocking Access To House

January 18, 2017

Global Research conducted a poll to measure public opinion regarding the events of December 2nd, and 67% of respondents stated they believed that “the right to protest peacefully does not give protesters the right to break the law and to block access to the House of Assembly”.

The company said the poll was conducted between December 11 – 15 2016, “with 400 registered voters who have an intention of voting in the next general election. The margin of error for the poll was +/- 4.9%.”

When respondents were asked whether “the right to protest peacefully includes the right of protesters to block access to the House of Assembly” or whether “the right to protest peacefully does not give protesters the right to break the law and to block access to the House of Assembly” two-thirds stated they believed that “the right to protest peacefully does not give protesters the right to break the law and to block access to the House of Assembly”.

Chart provided of the results based on the total responses, and broken down by race, gender & age:

Blocking Access Bermuda January 19 2017

click here Bermuda protest on Dec 2nd

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  1. Jim Bob says:

    I always wonder with these polls who they are asking. Not that I agree nor disagree with the results but I would like to know if they are surveying people with the right to vote in Bermuda or just anyone who will respond?

    • Jim Bob says:

      disregard as I see my question has actually been answered for once!

    • smh says:

      Look at the two statements. Did you notice the second one includes the words ‘right to break the law’ ? But the first one doesn’t. Technically if someone isn’t familiar with the laws they could agree with both these statements in the poll.

    • Onion Juice says:

      I guess they disagree with de Democrats boycotting de inauguration on Friday too?
      Some people still think Slavery was justified and Martin Luther King was a Communist.
      All depends who you ask.

      • Father Ted says:

        Has Tweed gone yet?

      • Publius says:

        Yeah right, like Burt’s antics to block the House equate to MLK…the airport is just a building folks

      • Albie says:

        Hillary Clinton and hubby are due to attend.

        Others justifiably may choose to boycott.

        Trump will disappoint his supporters and cast the USA into chaos.

      • Sara says:

        There are very few people that think that slavery was justified. Have you actually spoke with someone that said that or are you just being a highly emotional and over exaggerating?

        • Onion Juice says:

          Well if you pay someone $10 an hour to clean ya house, baby sit de children, wash ya clothes, grocery shop, take de children to soccer, ballet or shopping in town and then wash de car……….
          Need I say anymore !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        • Father Jack says:

          It’s called having a tantrum. Most children have them from time to time. The kid probably just needs burping or a nappy change.

  2. Smarter441 says:

    Physically stopping people is not peaceful.

  3. Tianny says:

    Sometimes breaking laws is required for change. Slavery was legal until it wasn’t… Segregation was fought by breaking laws. What if Rosa Parks stood up on that bus?

    Hopefully that’s food for thought…

    • Politricks says:

      Slavery and segregation have nothing to do with an airport development.

      Your false moral equivalence has no place in this argument and exemplifies the weakness of your argument for this issue.

      • Bermy Bie says:

        This man/woman (who knows) for premier!

        • Onion Juice says:

          It’s de same Principle, people force things on you that you don’t agree with or think is wrong, and you take action for what you believe in.
          Same Principle.

          • Equality, Jobs, Justice says:

            So if you don’t agree with a law you are justified in breaking it?

            • Onion Juice says:

              Yup, how do you think Apartheid and Jim Crow was challenged, but Tea Party ideology is dont break our Laws that where put in place to suppress you.
              Make America Great again.

              • aceboy says:

                This is an airport. It is 2017.

                You are a sad individual using the past suffering of others to justify protest over an airport and claiming that the principle is the same. It isn’t.

          • Build a Better Bermuda says:

            When people use mob rule to override reasoned debate, then they fail democracy. There is now more than enough information for reasoned debate, and that information has laid low the many false or misleading information that has been disseminated by the combined opposition, so in response, they intend to shut down debate. They are failing democracy. You talk about Principle… what is the Principle for inciting people to civil disobedience with false and misleading information…

    • Really?? says:

      your quoted events are very very different to what these ‘protestors’ claim to be so upset over.

      • Pooh Bear says:

        Stop it with your critical thinking! You’re ruining their paw-tee

    • wahoo says:

      True but what you point out above are human rights issues. The blocking of parliament has nothing to do with human rights the government and the opposition are put there by the voters to do a specific job and to prevent them from doing that job is criminal. The protest was about the airport and how we pay for it nothing more nothing less. The PLP ran wild with our finances while in power and that is the reason we need to be creative in how we conduct our business now. If you want a human rights issue to take up take it up with the plp they after all are the reason our children have inherited a massive debt.

      • Onion Juice says:

        It’s CRIMINAL for how de process and contract is done.
        Care to talk about that?
        Thought you wouldn’t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        • Truthhertz says:

          No it’s not criminal. Or else the Minister would have had charges laid against him.

        • Equality, Jobs, Justice says:

          A certain Mr. Burgess is trying his best to avoid those sort of questions.

        • Build a Better Bermuda says:

          Sure, what is criminal about it? In all the information that is available to read in whole, it supports this as the most transparent and above the board government deal any Bermuda Government has ever done. You just don’t agree with it because it is being done by the OBA, if it was the PLP you would be heaping praise on it.

        • wahoo says:

          Perhaps the esteemed plp could debate like real politicians in the house of assembly and get some answers…..Just a radical thought pardon me.

        • aceboy says:

          Grand Atlantic? Court House? TCD? Berkley? The Cruise Terminal.

          All no bid, all way over budget and all with clouds of corruption.

          Yet THIS is somehow worse and justifies illegal activity to prevent it?


    • Equality, Jobs, Justice says:

      And if it was a civil rights issue I agree. The airport does not fall under this remit.
      After Hayward’s comments, the policing needs to be proactive to ensure the gates aren’t blocked.

    • jt says:

      It’s not food for thought. This is a contract to build an airport contract. It’s not even remotely on par or related to and the comparison is an embarrassment.

    • David says:

      We’re talking about letting MPs debate a motion on building a new airport.

      Why does everything come back to slavery? Better question, what’s with copying/pasting/equating the African American struggle to that of the Black Bermudian. CURB, People’s Campaign, etc all seem to do this and I’m genuinely curious why that is. It’s actually quite insulting to African Americans and shows a lack of knowledge on African American history. How ironic.

      Then again, these same people want the government who mortgaged their children’s children’s future back in power. So I guess irony is rife on this beautiful island :) It’s too bad we don’t talk about *mental* slavery more.

    • John says:

      But Rosa Parks did not stop anybody from getting on the bus

      • Onion Juice says:

        But she broke de LAW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        • Publius says:

          So in your warped world building an airport = discrimination?!?

          • Onion Juice says:

            Subliminal economic privilege, just like America’s Cup.
            You Tea Party supporters like to spin but watch de spin Trump puts on de world.

            • Pooh Bear says:

              Up your dosage. The current meds are clearly not working.

        • Pastor Syl says:

          Yes she broke the law in the full knowledge that she was risking jail and/or other consequences. Bermuda’s protesters appear to be uneducated about, or just not accepting of, the consequences of breaking the law. Or perhaps they just don’t think the consequences should apply to them. Again, I do not condone pepper spray, but there would have been just as much outcry, and probably considerably more damage to life and limb, had the police begun arresting people – which they would have been within their rights to do.

    • Publius says:

      St. Burt of LF Wade…

      Falls a bit short of martyrdom doesn’t it?

    • Deedles says:

      Poor comparison

    • just wondering says:

      how is this a race issue????? its about building an airport!!!!

      • aceboy says:

        It is a race issue because this is how the PLP are going to challenge the government at the next election. Everything is going to be a race issue.

        The same day the PLP come out with their new Good Governance *show* CURB releases a statement on the need for Truth and Reconciliation.

        The PLP supporters here like OJ have been told to make EVEYTHING about race.

        Get used to it. The PLP will use race to stir up emotions, however dubious the connection is.

  4. hmmm says:

    The question is asking do you know the law. Not your opinion.

    Incredulous following the amount of press coverage identifying that indeed a peaceful protest would not involved blocking rights to access.

    Conclusion 33% of those surveyed either cannot read, think they are above the law, have cognitive issues, or guessed.

    • sage says:

      Wondering if the people who fish off the Causeway (illegal) the folks who were diving off Flatts Bridge on Xmas day (illegal) and the hordes of people drinking in public (illegal?Only for some) then driving home from Elbow under the influence, some with their kids in tow, think they are above the the law? Seems they are, and I bet they are the staunchest “law and order” defenders in this case.

      • Onion Juice says:

        It’s like Blue collar crime and white color crime.

        • Publius says:

          And people should go to jail for both…because wrongdoing should not be excused because of class (or race) – if it’s wrong then it’s wrong – and blocking the House is wrong.

          • Onion Juice says:

            Well obviously you skipped History class and don’t have a clue about undeserved social white privilege !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

            • Publius says:

              How said that you can only view morality through the prism of race…

        • wahoo says:

          Yeah and like the people who let $800M disappear and never want to discuss it….but a couple years later they can talk about lofty ideas of good governance. OJ you are either one of those or someone who is sucked up by BS.

        • Pooh Bear says:

          OJ, you really are showing yourself to be an antagonistic little person

          • Onion Juice says:

            They used to say that about anybody who spoke Truth to power or against systemic racism.
            De more things change de more they stay de same.

  5. The Dark Knight Returns says:

    If the protesters followed the law and protested on the sidewalk and never obstructed MP’s their voices would never be heard. They would simply be ignored. The Gov must listen to the people and it is about time that they stand up for their rights. Every worker is taxed and Gov needs to realize this. Change never came from standing on the side line protesting lawfully. The protesters were not hurting anyone and don’t give me this crap about anywhere else in the world. Anywhere else in the world it would have not ended so peacefully.

    • Bermuda needs change and not the change the UIB/PLP are intending says:

      Yeah, youre right if this was the states they would’ve been either shot or arrested the lot of them. US riot police would us pepper spray the would use tear gas. So consider yourselves lucky that they didn’t use excessive force.

      • Bermuda needs change and not the change the UIB/PLP are intending says:

        US riot police wouldn’t us pepper spray they would use tear gas.***

    • Politricks says:

      So essentially you are advocating for the elimination of democracy and the institution of mob rule.

      Please note that by illegally blocking the House the ‘protesters’ denied the democratic rights of all Bermudians. By doing so those actions immediately become undemocratic as the practicing of one’s rights should never infringe on others rights and freedoms.

    • Mr Sparkle says:

      So why abide by any laws? What a pathetic excuse to break the law. Standing up for your rights? We are talking about an airport development and a non Bermudian who has overplayed his hand.
      Anywhere else in the world they would have been arrested and rounded up like cattle and the police has my full support to do that if it happens again.

      • Onion Juice says:

        @Mr. Sparkle, some people supported Slavery and de elimination of Civil Rights.
        So just in case you feel righteous …………….

        • bdaboy says:

          “@Mr. Sparkle, some people supported Slavery and de elimination of Civil Rights.
          So just in case you feel righteous …………….”

          LOL, some of those who were descendants of slaves also support the elimination of human rights…it’s called gross hypocrisy.

        • Publius says:

          Again a ridiculous attempt to equate a construction project with slavery? Do you think people are stupid?

          • Onion Juice says:

            What you’re missing is this Government is using Dictatorial tactics that is forcibly imposed on people to accept without consultation.
            Or do I need to break it down some more for you?

            • aceboy says:

              Tactics such as locking up the Auditor General? In 2006?

            • Publius says:

              And yet it is the dictatorial mob outside trying to stop democracy

    • mark says:


    • Terry says:

      Your correct on the “would not have ended so peacefully.”
      They would have been arrested and detained.

      Then you would be complaining about yah grandma.

    • TheKnight Left says:

      @The Dark Knight Returns.. By your logic the people that approve of the Airport (who are the majority by the way) don’t have any rights. Just as with the Rev. Tweed “Blocking” there are a few that want to be herd, and in an attempt to make themselves appear to be more than they are they break the law and disrupth the majority…

      Police should show up with handcuffs and lock them all up!!!

    • hmmm says:

      The peoples campaign is for Jobs Equality and Justice.

      The airport development would create jobs, allowing same sex marriage would create equality and justice needs to be campaigned for over the actions by those exposed by the Commission Of Inquiry.

      So why are this group wanting to block parliament? I don’t see any of these reasons being used.

    • Punch says:

      I voted for the government, not the people, who only represent a small minority of the population. Let the government govern.

    • just wondering says:

      I wasn’t aren’t the Parliament Act said you can block access of the peoples representatives to the legislature as long as “you aren’t hurting someone” – there are tons of criminal offences you can commit without “hurting anyone”

  6. watching says:

    How many people agree with a government who campaigned on transparency, accountability and openness refusing to give the opposition MPs the information required to have a full robust debate ?

    • Build a Better Bermuda says:

      They have, it’s the opposition who keeps moving their goal posts, and now they are asking for documentation that doesn’t even exist.

  7. mark says:

    If anyone was free to break the law whnever they didnt agree with proposed legislation, we might as well pack up this democracy and get a tyrant in here. Oh wait, we had that under the plp. What is more, they…so much money out of this country t but the so called peopls campaign and their supporters dont see that! Astonishing ignorance and hypocricy. At least this survey shows that they do not speak for thw people and never will.

  8. Oh please says:

    The Fox is counting the hens again..

    You you polled the slave owners..and asked if the slaves should be allowed to run away.. you might get 67% or more..

    This is a partisan issue. The question should have been if this project goes forward..Who do you think you would be thr most adversely effected..

    • mark says:

      Those people marching will be the most affected along with blue collar workers and our entire country after that! Dont you see that?!?

    • Pastor Syl says:

      Why should anyone be adversely affected? Taking out a loan would adversely affect our credit rating and place a great burden on our children and their children. With the project as it stands, those who already work at the airport will still have a job and quite a few of the rest of us who aren’t currently working will be able to find work. Where is the adverse affect?

      • Pastor Syl says:

        Why should anyone be adversely affected? Taking out a loan would adversely affect our credit rating and place an even greater burden on our children and their children. With the project as it stands, those who already work at the airport will still have a job and quite a few of the rest of us who aren’t currently working will be able to find work. Where is the adverse affect?

    • TheKnight Left says:

      Maybe you should read the poll questions again… There was NO mention of any project, Immigration Reform or Rev Tweed.. The question was simple “Does the right to protest peacefully include the right of protesters to block access to the House of Assembly or not”

      Look at the results, Black, White, Young, Old, Male and Female all agreed… NO..

    • hmmm says:

      or perhaps IF this PROJECT IS CANCELLED who will be most adversely affected.

      Construction workers
      Additional airport staff
      Passengers who have a crumbling airport
      All Bermudians, who at a future date have to pay the financing at an exhorbitant rate, with the only collateral available being the terminal. (guess who has to pay it…yes you the tax payer)…if we default we lose the airport forever !

      People are campaigning against something that will save them from being hit in the pocket in the near future !

    • just wondering says:

      ummmm slave owners were not polled here – lots of people were polled – what’s your point? you think the organizers of the polls only called people they thought was going to give them a particular response?? get real

    • Zevon says:

      Hi Rhonda.

  9. Takbir Karriem Sharrieff says:

    Just roll over and play dead,suffer silently,,,protest peacefully,,,,,and let the O.B.A Government do whatever they want,,,,,slave obey your master,,,,things will get better,,,,,,,in the sweet bye and bye.

    • Father Jack says:

      Good man yourself Takbir. Liken current govt to slave masters of the distant past. Well done. Aren’t you a crafty fellow! Its not like anyone will see through your thinly veiled racist comments…..you know….in the sweet bye n bye.

  10. Real Deal says:

    I can look at how the questions are worded and tell whats up.

    what if i ask:

    Dose the right to peaceful protest give protester the right to hide Jews from the government?

    Dose the right to peaceful protest give protester the right to brake the Law and hide Jews from the government?

    • Bloomin' Onion says:

      I completed this survey and I will say that plenty of the questions were worded in a way to illicit a certain response.
      Someone is paying big money to sway the minds of Joe Public. If all plans are on the up and up you have to ask why the need for these types of tactics. I am Bermudian first and I will always be critical of any government that is in power.
      Democracy does not end at the polls, we do not elect politicians to do what they feel is best, we elect them to represent our voice. Our responsibility is to ensure that they hear our voice. Call, email, dialogue with your representatives in a respectful way that seeks resolution and understanding of differing perspectives.
      Divided we will certainly fail, the problem as I see it I cannot identify a single leader that is seeking to unify us. We have a Government that seems fairly good from a business stand point but horrible at politics. In the opposition we have a group that seems to do well playing politics but when it comes to business strategy they fall short.

  11. John says:

    Three facts , 1 airport deal won’t happen in current state 2 PLP wil be in power soon, 3 it will rain tomorrow .

    • Sara says:

      Nope don’t think so. The majority is happy with the progress of the OBA and right thinking people haven’t forgotten that idiots blew through 1.4 billion dollars while Bermuda was in one of its most prosperous time. People can’t really be this stupid.

      • Onion Juice says:

        Well let stale milk call an election now, de bye-elections have them worried.

        • Build a Better Bermuda says:

          Why would they have them worried, they knew they weren’t going to get elected, they were all PLP strongholds