Emergency Exercise In Dockyard On Saturday
The Ministry of National Security said that there will be an emergency exercise on Saturday [April 1] between 8.00am and 6.00pm in the Dockyard area to “test emergency contingency plans” for the upcoming Americas Cup.
A Government spokesperson said, “The annual security simulation – “Exercise Joint Venture” – will involve a series of drills concentrating on the North and South Basin. The aim of the exercise is to test emergency contingency plans for the upcoming 35th Americas Cup.
“The scenarios being tested include oil spill containment procedures, on water incident management and security screening. Representatives from the Emergency Measures Organisation [EMO] as well as representatives from other agencies will be involved in these scenarios.
“All simulations will be water based, however any inconvenience to the boating public will be minimal. It is anticipated that inconvenience to the public in the Dockyard vicinity will also be minimal.
“The public is reminded that emergency simulations are required periodically to test Bermuda’s readiness in the event of a crisis situation.”
Very good, very practical. We always should be ready for the unfortunate events , should they occur.
I would like to know, How READY is the Hospital, under it’s current overcrowding situation to receive 20 or 30 people, or more, should some unforeseen bad situation occur , where urgent. care and transport is needed. I have my doubts. Have we trained for that? Are we really prepared? Did we plan accordingly, knowing we will host major future events? It is great to have the events….just plan properly.
And….advise the Public that we are ready, on land and water , to instill confidence.