40% Have Access To One’s FibreWire Internet

August 21, 2017

One Communications stated today [Aug 21] that almost 40% of households on the Island now have access to high speed FibreWire Internet, saying they have “been busy with teams working around the clock to construct Bermuda’s first fibre-optic based network.”

“The first half of 2017 has seen tremendous progress with the rollout of the new network. The best part of our FibreWire launch has been the great feedback from our customers regarding their new and significantly improved high speed internet experiences”, states Brian Lonergan, One’s Marketing Director.

“We’ve automatically upgraded nearly 4,000 of our existing internet subscribers to FibreWire plans, at no additional cost. For example, customers who were on a 10 Mbps plan are now on a 30 Mbps FibreWire connection; and those with a 25 Mbps plan were automatically boosted to our 200 Mbps FibreWire plan.”

One Communications Bermuda Aug 21 2017 TC

The company said, “The value-added speed boost is automatic for all customers either signing up for, or already subscribing to One’s internet [Access + ISP] service.

“One customers with separate Access and ISP services can take advantage of FibreWire by combining both onto a single bill. Customers who are not with One can switch today and immediately be eligible for a speed boost when FibreWire reaches their neighbourhood.

“The new, high speed FibreWire Internet service is currently available throughout Paget, Warwick, the northern sections of Pembroke, and work has just recently started in Southampton.

“In early September work will progress in the eastern parishes. Our field crews have been doubled in order to bolster our efforts, with substantial completion of the network now anticipated for the end of October, 2017.

“As we make our way across the island, customers using our combined internet service will automatically receive a speed boost onto the FibreWire network. Another great aspect to the upgrade is that no service call or installation is required at the customers’ home”, Mr. Lonergan added.

“We’ve added a FibreWire Map to our website for all residents to track our progress and monitor service interruption updates. This has been created to keep the public informed and the details readily available.”

One FibreWire Map Bermuda Aug 2017

“The company is continuing its communications efforts with phone calls and emails advising customers as to when their teams will be implementing the new infrastructure on a neighbourhood by neighbourhood basis,” One added.

“Once the network is in place, customers can expect another call and/or email letting them know that they’ve been auto-upgraded to a much faster speed on FibreWire.

“With the advent of One’s FibreWire network and their lightning-fast internet speeds, an overhaul of the company’s cable TV services will soon follow, offering a vastly new and highly anticipated experience to the Island.

“Details outlining plan details and areas of availability for FibreWire Internet can be obtained by calling 700.7100 or visiting here.”

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Comments (18)

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  1. Truth is killin' me... says:

    Blah, blah, blah. Bluewave Bermuda beating you to the punch!

    • Um.... says:

      Bluewave really may have an advantage over One and Digicel. I’m going to get set up with them as a second connection for a couple months to test out before I switch. But from what I’ve been told, the quality of service is much better than fixed line Internet.

  2. frank says:

    when are they going to do something about the TV PART
    and why can’t you pay other ONE BILLS AT CELLONE

  3. warwick lizard says:

    ONE makes this sound like it’s a good thing… I’m about to request a downgrade as my service has been poor ever since the ‘upgrade’ in Paget several weeks ago… Certainly not faster in fact slower and intermittent. Not happy. They are still figuring it out apparently.

    • Skytrain says:

      Totally agree that since the so called upgrade our guality of service is terrible and when you call customer service no one can explain the problem. Or to make matters worse when the problem will be rectified. Increasing speed means nothing when the signal drops out every evening.

    • Mo' Money says:

      Yup. This is true for me as well. very upset.

    • Jus' Wonderin' says:

      Yeah think it’s worse after the “upgrade” for me too :(

  4. Mike says:

    It is not available in Warwick. I know – they installed it today – and the promised speed will not be available until the end of the month (if we are lucky)

    Please – ONE – stop the lies.

  5. Keepin' it Real!...4Real! says:

    I’m not a technician but I’d like to know why fibrewire to the pole but coaxial to the house…shouldn’t it all be fibrewire??…just wondering…

    • Charlie says:

      Coax carried speeds up to 600MB I think. They’re making trunk lines fiber and then the road to house can easily carry these new speeds on the coax.

      • Skytrain says:

        Not exactly true. ONE are not explaining that the fibre does not go to my modem and may use 15 year old coax with several splitters and equally old connectors.I believe Digicel will actually be fibre to the Home as advertised.

      • fu says:

        Coax has a bandwidth of up to 3GHz. A 600MB download speed is equivalent to about 6Gb/s.

      • ramblings says:

        Over short distances (less than a mile) existing residential coax is capable for delivering approximately 10Gb which is the top speed of DOCSIS3.1. This is obviously dependant on other things, age, taps, splices etc.

    • Um.... says:

      Yeah, what Charlie said. They probably don’t see the need to invest in fibre to the home right now until the bandwidth needs (and prices) change for Bermuda. Coax is good enough for a couple more speed bumps after 200Mbps. When people begin to need 1Gbps connections and the cost of getting that much bandwidth to the island drops by international carriers, then they’ll supply homes with the faster wiring. Digicel has to do fibre to the home because BTC’s infrastructure was much poorer to begin with. Those telephone lines were bursting at the seams from just 25Mbps.

  6. no love says:

    Originally said would be complete by end of September. Funny the article doesn’t mention the month delay which will most likely turn into 2-3 months. Maybe ⅓ of the island complete and they have been working for months!

  7. Jimmy says:

    My internet performance hasn’t changed for the better. In the near future the speeds must be better.

  8. wildcat says:

    Hopefully they can complete the majority of the project before any hurricanes reach us. I can’t wait to get 200Mb.

  9. Jacques Cousteaux says:

    Good to see 1950′s technology is finally being implemented in Bermuda. But having fiber network then connected to a standard line logically makes it pretty much redundant. If the argument or justification is that the standard lines can handle it, then why bother upgrading, especially to such an expensive form? And furthermore, shouldn’t it far outperform standard lines? Gee wilikers!