James Holds Fitness Seminar In Grenada
IFBB Pro Hafid James was recently invited to Grenada in order to hold a health and fitness seminar, saying that it was a “blessing to give back and to help others in their fitness journey.”
Mr. James told Bernews, “I had the privilege of being invited to Grenada to hold a health and fitness seminar. We had a range of people and ages, beginners and more advanced lifters. The main goal was just to focusing on some ways to optimise your health and thus optimising your results.
“Day one we had a food talk discussing some of the things we as a society don’t do to improve our health: from not taking in enough vegetables and water to taking in too many carbs and trans fats. Day two we went on a grocery store tour discussing how to read a nutritional facts label and what I like to get and stay away from and why.”
IFBB Pro Hafid James [middle] with coach IFBB Pro Carmichael Bryan [left] and Positive Results’ Sergio White [right] holding Grenada Bodybuilder of the Year awards for 2016 and 2017:
“We also had two days of training workshops just going through how I train to maximize results and minimize injury.
“While there I was there I also got to train some of my online clients, did a few interviews, went on one radio station and talked about health and fitness, and another where I got to take a little break from the health talk and was invited to “The Ladies Room” to talk about relationships – that’s why they call me Dr. Love Muscle.
“I also got to go and collect my two awards for bodybuilder of the year for 2016 and 2017, received for my recent achievements on the bodybuilding stage in the last few years representing Grenada. These awards do mean a lot to me.”
“Individual awards wouldn’t be possible without a great team backing you.”
“It lets me know they see the work and sacrifice I put in trying my best to represent them and myself. And I also have to thank my support team from my coach Carmichael Brayan and the BOF team, Sergio White, owner of Positive Results, my sponsor Kara’s Kitchen, who cooks my meals, and close family and friends.
“It was a blessing to give back and to help others in their fitness journey and hope I can continue to do so with my local clients and with my people in Grenada.”
Great work. So proud of him. I little humility goes a long way though. Just a word of advice.