Official Govt & Legal Notices For April 25th 2019

April 25, 2019

The official Government and Legal notices for today [April 25] include notification of planning applications registered, boards appointments, acting appointments, patent applications and cancellation of registration.


Magistrate & Coroner

  • Notice Type: Government Notice
  • Notice Sub Type: Acting Appointments
  • Notice ID: GN0534/2019
  • Department: The Judiciary
  • Publication date: 25 April 2019

Judicial Department

His Excellency The Governor, after consultation with the Chief Justice, has approved the appointment of Mr. Leo Mills, Barrister & Attorney to act as Magistrate & Coroner for the period: 23rd, 26th & 29th, April: 2019.

Dated this 22nd day of April 2019


Deputy Governor

Alison Crocket


Magistrate & Coroner

  • Notice Type: Government Notice
  • Notice Sub Type: Acting Appointments
  • Notice ID: GN0535/2019
  • Department: The Judiciary
  • Publication date: 25 April 2019

Judicial Department

His Excellency, The Governor, after consultation with the Chief Justice, has approved the appointment of Ms. Susan Moore-Williams, Barrister & Attorney to act as Magistrate & Coroner for the period of 22nd April,: 2019.

Dated this 22nd day of April2019


Deputy Governor

Alison Crocket


AmFirst Insurance Company Ltd.

  • Notice Type: Government Notice
  • Notice Sub Type: Cancellation of Registration
  • Notice ID: GN0536/2019
  • Department: Bermuda Monetary Authority
  • Publication date: 25 April 2019


Insurance Act 1978

Cancellation Of Registration

Under Section 41[1][a]

The Bermuda Monetary Authority in exercise of the powers conferred upon it by virtue of Section 41[1][a] of the Insurance Act, 1978, [“The Act”], hereby cancels, at the request of the Insurer listed below, the respective Class 3A and Class C Insurer registrations granted to the said Insurer under the Act, effective 2nd April 2019:-

AmFirst Insurance Company, Ltd.

By Order Of The Bermuda Monetary Authority

Ricardo Garcia

Chief Actuary

Bermuda Monetary Authority

Dated this 24th day of April 2019


Patent Application Advertisements No. 1

  • Notice Type: Government Notice
  • Notice Sub Type: Patent Applications
  • Notice ID: GN0537/2019
  • Department: Registry General
  • Publication date: 25 April 2019

Document Upload:
Patent Advertisement for April 25, 2019 here [PDF]


Deputy Governor

  • Notice Type: Government Notice
  • Notice Sub Type: Acting Appointments
  • Notice ID: GN0538/2019
  • Department: Government House

Publication date: 25 April 2019

Constitution Of Bermuda:

In accordance with section 18 [2] of the Constitution, His Excellency The Governor, is pleased to appoint Mrs. Lucinda Pearman, Collector of Customs, to act as Deputy Governor from Monday, 29th April 2019 to Thursday, 2nd May 2019, inclusive or until the Deputy Governor’s return.

M. Alison Crocket

Deputy Governor


Acting Appointment: Director, Department Of Child And Family Services

  • Notice Type: Government Notice
  • Notice Sub Type: Acting Appointments
  • Notice ID: GN0539/2019
  • Department: Cabinet Headquarters
  • Publication date: 25 April 2019

Renee Brown, Senior Programme Manager, Department of Child and Family Services has been appointed to act as Director, Department of Child and Family Services from 15th – 16th April, 2019.

Derrick S. Binns, JP, Ph.D.
Head of the Public Service


Acting Appointment: Director, Department Of Child And Family Services

  • Notice Type: Government Notice
  • Notice Sub Type: Acting Appointments
  • Notice ID: GN0540/2019
  • Department: Cabinet Headquarters
  • Publication date: 25 April 2019

Sherry Walker, Team Coordinator, Department of Child and Family Services has been appointed to act as Director, Department of Child and Family Services from 17th – 18th April, 2019.

Derrick S. Binns, JP, Ph.D.
Head of the Public Service


Board Professional Engineers Registration Council [PERC]

  • Notice Type: Government Notice
  • Notice Sub Type: Boards Appointments
  • Notice ID: GN0541/2019
  • Department: Public Works Headquarters
  • Publication date: 25 April 2019

The Minister of Public Works is pleased to make the following appointments with effect from 25th April 2019, under the applicable Legislation unless otherwise indicated.

Professional Engineers Registration Council [PERC]
The Professional Engineers Registration Act 1972
Chairman – Mrs. Vanessa Turner
Mr. Christopher Nash
Mr. Athanasius Smith
Mr. E. Kennedy Wainwright
Mr. Michael Maughan
Mrs. Lee Sylvester


List of Planning Applications Registered between April 18,2019 and April 25,2019

  • Notice Type: Government Notice
  • Notice Sub Type: Notification of Planning Applications Registered
  • Notice ID: GN0542/2019
  • Department: Planning
  • Publication date: 25 April 2019

Listing Of Planning Applications Registered [For Advertisement]

This list was printed on 4/25/2019

Applications registered between 4/19/2019 and 4/25/2019.

Advertised on 4/26/2019.

Objections to applications must be received within 14 days of the date advertised [May 10, 2019].

Summary of Application Details

The applications shown below are available for review during normal working hours at the Department of Planning, 5th Floor, Dame Lois Browne Evans Building, 58 Court Street, Hamilton HM 12.

Any person wishing to object must do so within 14 days of the date of this publication [4/26/2019].

Letters of objection should state any interest which the objector[s] may have in property nearby, supply an address at which notice may be served on the objector[s], and provide a concise statement of the grounds of the objection.

For further information on the objection procedure see the Development and Planning [Applications Procedure] Rules 1997.

City of Hamilton

Application #P0133/19

Offei, Mr. John

12 Princess Street, City of Hamilton

Retroactive Application for Interior Renovations to Create 1 New Dwelling Unit [2 total].



Application #P0140/19

Withers-Clarke, Charles

Lot 1 Harrington Sound Road [Vacant Lot North East of #2 Paynter’s Road], Hamilton

Proposed new Access Stairway, new Deck, and new Stairs into Water. Raise Previously Approved Boundary Wall from 4ft to 6ft in Height.



Application #P0135/19

Langton Apartments Limited

#4 Langton Lane, Pembroke

Proposed New Tank Access. [Listed Building]



Application #P0134/19

Burrows, Mr. /Mrs. Michael

19 West Side Road, Sandys

Proposed New Lower Level 2 Bedroom Dwelling Unit with Addition of New Master Bathroom, Family Room, Living Room and Porch to Existing Upper Floor Main House.


Application #P0139/19

Human Nature

11 Beacon Hill Road, Sandys

9 Beacon Hill Road, Sandys

Proposed Agricultural Use: New Farmhouse/Storage/Cleaning Building and Administration/Product/Services Building. New Gatehouse Building, 3 New Greenhouses and Raised Planter Beds.



Application #P0136/19

Dowling, Kathy

7 Southampton Road, Southampton

Proposed New Dwelling Unit via Internal Conversion [2 Units Total], New Driveway from Existing Access.



Application #P0137/19

Castile Holdings Ltd.

22 Riddell’s Bay Road, Warwick

Proposed New 3 Bedroom 3.5 Bathroom Dwelling Unit [1 Unit Total], New Garage, Covered Porch and Pool, 2 5 ft. Max Height Rock Cuts, 2 Cesspits, 3 ft. High Retaining Wall along the Roadway, New Driveway, Parking, Access and Utility Trench.


Application #P0138/19

Castile Holdings Ltd

24 Riddell’s Bay Road, Warwick

Proposed New 3 Bedroom 3.5 Bathroom Dwelling Unit [1 Unit Total], New Garage, Covered Porch and Pool, 2 5 ft. Max Height Rock Cuts, 2 Cesspits, 3 ft. High Retaining Wall along the Roadway, New Driveway, Parking, Access and Utility Trench.



The official notices above have been republished from the relevant section on the official Government website. If you wish to view ‘hard copies’, the Department of Libraries & Archives prints them and you can visit the main library on Queen Street or the Government Archives in the Government Administration Building on Parliament Street to view them.

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