National Heroes Tribute Event On June 15th
National Heroes Day is June 17th, and the Minister of Labour, Community Affairs and Sports Lovitta Foggo is “encouraging members of the public to attend a special Bermuda National Heroes Tribute event on Saturday, June 15.”
“The special recognition event is free to the public and takes place at the World Heritage Centre, St. George’s. It will feature tributes by local historians and family members of some of Bermuda’s National Heroes, as well as a musical performance by Joy T. Barnum to honour the occasion,” a spokesperson noted.
“The tribute will highlight the contributions of Bermuda’s National Heroes, who include:
- Dame Lois Browne- Evans, DBE, JP, LLB
- Dr. Edgar Fitzgerald Gordon
- Dr. Pauulu R. N. O. B. Kamarakafego / Dr. Roosevelt Brown
- Sir Henry James “Jack” Tucker
- Mary Prince
- Gladys Misick Morrell
- Sir Edward Richards, Kt., CBE
- The Hon. Sir John W. Swan, KBE, JP
Minister Foggo said, “The purpose of this upcoming holiday is to honour those persons who have been officially designated as National Heroes in Bermuda.
“On Saturday, we are hosting a recognition event where we intend to use the opportunity to remind the community of the importance of National Heroes Day and to share tributes that will highlight how our National heroes inspired those who will be participating in the ceremony.
“This is an event that is open to the public and we are encouraging people to attend so that they can learn more about the legacy and contributions of Bermuda’s National Heroes.”
Well 3 of them I dont consider my HERO.
And we all know which ones and why , don’
t worry .
No worries you have your Heroes and I have mine, its just that yours cater to your ideaology and mine cater to mine.
So I wouldnt expect your Heroes to also be, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Marcus Garvey, Harriet Tubman, Sojourner Truth, Toussaint Louverture, Medger Evers, Sam Brown or Nat Turner (just to name a few who fought and gave their lives against an Evil System that you benefit from now).
So get over it already, its a new day of awakening.
Your ideology is hate and divisiveness which are not traits shared by any of the individuals you mentioned who fought for equality and justice.
You’re just a nasty little hateful person. Period.
Correction, John Brown
Correction – you are a small minded racist bigot and if the system is so evil, why are you still here??
Class is over.
Says the guy who has so very much yet to learn in life .. lol
And there you go ASSuming again , you know the tired old cliche about that , eh ? You have no clue whatsoever who shaped my life and who my heroes are . It’s you who has a lot to get over , not me . Good luck with your new day of awakening. It doesn’t seem to be benefiting you in any way at all judging by the garbage you post.
I gave a list of SOME of my Heroes, list some of yours.
Thats were your assumtion speculation gets squashed, and judging from your past vile comments about PLP and the Union, 2 organizations that have majority Black supporters, exposes your interest.
Garbage to you dont mean garbage for all.
So organisations with a black majority shall not ever be criticised? Or is that no criticism is valid because they are infallible organisations in your racist eyes?
And this coming from a poster who denigrates whole races of people on a daily basis? You’re a joker that’s not funny.
Trying to have a discussion with you is the same as wrestling a turd.
Yup, especially after I have my information presented and called you out and you havent presented yor heroes, you come out smelling like –IT.
Have you ever wrestled a turd? Just saying
We already know your heroes paved the way for the undeserved privilege, no meed to ASSsume.
I named mine, now name yours.
Me thinks class was over for you from day one. Did you even finish Secondary School??
We care why?
O J That is the biggest compliment you could pay them LOL
So when will the Pee El Pee add at least a few more names to the list? Instead of rolling out the same retro group year after year.