Official Govt & Legal Notices For Oct 9 2019
The official Government and Legal notices for today [Oct 9] include notification of planning applications registered, assent, acting appointments, acquisition of property by non-Bermudians, and notice of intention to construct a controlled plant.
Acquisition of Land
- Notice Type: Government Notice
- Notice Sub Type: Acquisition of Property by a Non Bermudian
- Notice ID: GN1146/2019
- Public Authorities / Department: Immigration
- Publication date: 09 October 2019
Notice is hereby given that Tucker Kathleen O’Donnell, an American citizen, is applying to the Minister responsible for Immigration for sanction to acquire in 2/3rd intrest in 4 Truck Island, Hamilotn Parish and adjacent lot with Bermudian mother, Hannah W Gardner, current owner.
N.B. Any person who knows why a sanction to acquire property in Bermuda should not be granted to the applicant should send a written statement to the Minister responsible for Immigration, P.O. Box 1364, Hamilton HM FX, no later than the 24 October 2019.
Acquisition of Land
- Notice Type: Government Notice
- Notice Sub Type: Acquisition of Property by a Non Bermudian
- Notice ID: GN1145/2019
- Public Authorities / Department: Immigration
- Publication date: 09 October 2019
Notice is hereby given that Donald H Cameron, an American citizen, is applying to the Minister responsible for Immigration for sanction to acquire in 1/10th fraction or share of Unit 3D Golf Villas Private Residence Club, Tucker’s Town, situate in Hamilton Parish.
N.B. Any person who knows why a sanction to acquire property in Bermuda should not be granted to the applicant should send a written statement to the Minister responsible for Immigration, P.O. Box 1364, Hamilton HM FX, no later than the 24 October 2019.
Acquisition of Land
- Notice Type: Government Notice
- Notice Sub Type: Acquisition of Property by a Non Bermudian
- Notice ID: GN1144/2019
- Public Authorities / Department: Immigration
- Publication date: 09 October 2019
Notice is hereby given that Christopher M Ball and Naomi T Fenlin, both American citizens, are applying to the Minister responsible for Immigration for sanction to acquire in 1/10th fraction or share of Unit # 6B Harbour Court Private Residence Club, 19 Harbour Drive, Tucker’s Town, situate in Hamilton Parish.
N.B. Any person who knows why a sanction to acquire property in Bermuda should not be granted to the applicants should send a written statement to the Minister responsible for Immigration, P.O. Box 1364, Hamilton HM FX, no later than the 24 October 2019.
Stanhope Trust
- Notice Type: Government Notice
- Notice Sub Type: Notice of Intention to Construct a Controlled Plant
- Notice ID: GN1143/2019
- Public Authorities / Department: Environment and Natural Resources
- Publication date: 09 October 2019
Clean Air Act
Notice Of Intention To
Construct A Controlled Plant
Pursuant to Part II of the Clean Air Rules 1993,
application has been made to the Environmental Authority for a permit to construct a controlled plant as follows:
Name Of Applicant
Stanhope Trust
Address Of The Proposed
Controlled Plant
6 Hexham Drive
Hamilton Parish HS 02
Description Of Proposed
Controlled Plant
One 20 kW liquefied gas-fired generator with silencer to provide interim electrical supply during power outages.
This application is available for inspection at the Department of Environment and Natural Resources during normal working hours. Any person wishing to object to the proposed plant may, within 14 days of the date of this publication, lodge their objection with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, 169 South Road, Paget DV 04. Letters of objection must state the name and address of the objector; the grounds of the objection; whether the objector has an interest in land near to that which the application relates; and be signed by the objector.
Date: 30 September 2019
Acquisition of Land
- Notice Type: Government Notice
- Notice Sub Type: Acquisition of Property by a Non Bermudian
- Notice ID: GN1142/2019
- Public Authorities / Department: Immigration
- Publication date: 09 October 2019
Notice is hereby given that Christopher Paul McDowell, a British Citizen who is also a Permanent Resident, is applying to the Minister responsible for Immigration for sanction to acquire 0.122 Hectares of land together with a dwelling house thereon erected known as “Ascot” 7 Highwood Lane situate in Paget Parish.
N.B. Any person who knows why a sanction to acquire property in Bermuda should not be granted to the applicant should send a written statement to the Minister responsible for Immigration, P.O. Box 1364, Hamilton HM FX, no later than the 23 October 2019.
Acquisition of Land
- Notice Type: Government Notice
- Notice Sub Type: Acquisition of Property by a Non Bermudian
- Notice ID: GN1141/2019
- Public Authorities / Department: Immigration
- Publication date: 09 October 2019
Notice is hereby given that Jeffrey S Portnoy, an American Citizen, is applying to the Minister responsible for Immigration for sanction to acquire 1/6th fraction or share of Unit #320 Fraction D, Newstead Belmont Hills Golf Resort and Spa Club, 27 Harbour Road situate in Paget Parish.
N.B. Any person who knows why a sanction to acquire property in Bermuda should not be granted to the applicant should send a written statement to the Minister responsible for Immigration, P.O. Box 1364, Hamilton HM FX, no later than the 23 October 2019.
Acquisition of Land
- Notice Type: Government Notice
- Notice Sub Type: Acquisition of Property by a Non Bermudian
- Notice ID: GN1140/2019
- Public Authorities / Department: Immigration
- Publication date: 09 October 2019
Notice is hereby given that Rui Paulo Furtado De Sa, a Portuguese Citizen, who is also a Permanent Resident, is applying to the Minister responsible for Immigration for sanction to acquire a leasehold interest in the property known as Rockaway Springs Unit 2, 1 Rockaway Drive situate in Southampton Parish.
N.B. Any person who knows why a sanction to acquire property in Bermuda should not be granted to the applicant should send a written statement to the Minister responsible for Immigration, P.O. Box 1364, Hamilton HM FX, no later than the 23 October 2019.
Acquisition of Land
- Notice Type: Government Notice
- Notice Sub Type: Acquisition of Property by a Non Bermudian
- Notice ID: GN1139/2019
- Public Authorities / Department: Immigration
- Publication date: 09 October 2019
Notice is hereby given that William B Perkins, Karne B Perkins, Emily L Perkins, Nathaniel L Perkins, Andrew P Bechtel and Matthew O Bechtel, all American citizens, are applying to the Minister responsible for Immigration for sanction to acquire Unit 412 / A-2-I “The Reefs Club” 56 South Road situated in Southampton Parish.
N.B. Any person who knows why a sanction to acquire property in Bermuda should not be granted to the applicants should send a written statement to the Minister responsible for Immigration, P.O. Box 1364, Hamilton HM FX, no later than the23 October 2019.
Acquisition of Land
- Notice Type: Government Notice
- Notice Sub Type: Acquisition of Property by a Non Bermudian
- Notice ID: GN1138/2019
- Public Authorities / Department: Immigration
- Publication date: 09 October 2019
Notice is hereby given that Kathleen B McClendon, an American Citizen is applying to the Minister responsible for Immigration for sanction to acquire 0.512 Hectares of land together with a dwelling house thereon erected known as “Winsor House” 32 Tucker’s Town Road situate in St George’s Parish.
N.B. Any person who knows why a sanction to acquire property in Bermuda should not be granted to the applicant should send a written statement to the Minister responsible for Immigration, P.O. Box 1364, Hamilton HM FX, no later than the 23 October 2019.
Acting Appointment: Director, Department Of Energy And Telecommunications
- Notice Type: Government Notice
- Notice Sub Type: Acting Appointments
- Notice ID: GN1137/2019
- Public Authorities / Department: Cabinet Headquarters
- Publication date: 09 October 2019
Mr. Aran McKittrick, Energy Policy Analyst, Department of Energy has been appointed to act as Director, Department of Energy and Telecommunications from 15th – 18th October, 2019.
Derrick S. Binns, JP, Ph.D.
Head of the Public Service
- Notice Type: Government Notice
- Notice Sub Type: Assent
- Notice ID: GN1136/2019
- Public Authorities / Department: Government House
- Publication date: 09 October 2019
The Assent Of The Governor Was Given On
The 8th October 2019
To The Following:
Tourism Investment Amendment Act 2019
Merchant Shipping Amendment Act 2019
Employment [Maternity Leave Extension and Paternity Leave] Amendment Act 2019
Economic Development Amendment Act 2019
Digital Asset Business Amendment Act 2019
Notice of Planning Application Registered on September 09, 2019
- Notice Type: Government Notice
- Notice Sub Type: Notification of Planning Applications Registered
- Notice ID: GN1135/2019
- Public Authorities / Department: Planning
- Publication date: 09 October 2019
Government Of Bermuda
Department of Planning
Dame Lois Browne‑Evans Building, 58 Court Street, Hamilton HM 12, Bermuda
Phone: [441] 295‑5151 Fax: [441] 295‑4100
Listing Of Plan Applications Registered [For Advertisement]
This Application registered on September 09, 2019 and
Advertised on 10/09/2019. This list was printed on 10/09/2019
Objections to the application must be received within 14 days of the date advertised [October 23, 2019]
Summary of Application Details
The applications shown below are available for review on the EnerGov Customer Self Service Portal
[], or during normal working hours at the
Department of Planning, 5th Floor, Dame Lois Browne Evans Building, 58 Court Street, Hamilton HM 12.
Any person wishing to object must do so within 14 days of the date advertised [10/09/2019]
Letters of objection should state any interest which the objector[s] may have in property nearby, supply an address
at which notice may be served on the objector[s], and provide a concise statement of the grounds of the objection.
For further information on the objection procedure see the Development and Planning [Applications Procedure]
Rules 1997.
Application Application #
Shawn Perott PLAN‑0082‑19
Vacant Lot North of 9 Judkin Lane, Hamilton Parish
Proposed Commercial Excavation for the Quarrying of Roof Slate [Maximum Height of Rock
Cut 65 ft.].
[Final Approval]
The official notices above have been republished from the relevant section on the official Government website. If you wish to view ‘hard copies’, the Department of Libraries & Archives prints them and you can visit the main library on Queen Street or the Government Archives in the Government Administration Building on Parliament Street to view them.
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