Minister Zane DeSilva’s Trip Cost $824.57

March 12, 2020

A trip in February 2020 by Minister Zane DeSilva for the Discussions with Cruise Line Partners in Miami cost $824.57, according to a recent listing on the Government’s travel webpage.

The trip duration was listed as from February 26, 2020 – February 27, 2020, and the web page listing said, “The Hon Minister Zane DeSilva, JP MP, accompanied by his Permanent Secretary, Aideen Ratteray Pryse and Technical Officer, Stacey Evans, met with executives of Bermuda’s Cruise Line Partners in Miami, FL to discuss the upcoming cruise season in Bermuda.”


  • Air Travel: $611.00
  • Accommodation: $213.57
  • Total costs: $824.57

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