Covid-19: Two New Cases, Total Of 37 Now

April 4, 2020

There have been 2 more positive results so the number of confirmed positive cases in Bermuda now stands at 37; and 14 people have recovered, while six people are hospitalized.

A Government spokesperson said, “The Ministry of Health provided the daily update on Bermuda’s COVID-19 status.

“Twenty-five additional test results were received today, of which 23 were negative for COVID-19, and two were positive. This means that the confirmed positive cases in Bermuda now stands at 37.

“Both new cases are hospitalized, and are under investigation to determine if there is a contact or travel history.

“Out of the 37 total cases, 14 people have recovered. There are six people who are hospitalized, all in stable condition. There are 17 active cases under active public health monitoring.

“The average age of the confirmed positive cases is 47 years old, the age range is 18 – 83 years old and the average age of those hospitalized is 74 years old. There are 22 males and 15 females.

“A review of our overall testing numbers, shows that out of the 291 tests that were conducted, 37 are positive, and 227 were negative and 27 are pending results.

“As of today, there are 439 persons who are under self-quarantine with public health supervision.

“The updated Social Distancing and Closure Schedule has been published on in accordance with the Emergency Powers [COVID-19 Shelter in Place] Regulations 2020.

“It is important that the public observe the updated guidance regarding the use of face coverings when in public places such as grocery stores, pharmacies, and gas stations. In line with new guidance issued by the United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the Ministry of Health is now advising: “The use of cloth and homemade face masks is recommended for all persons whilst in indoor public places to protect others from possible infection.” The general public should not use surgical of N95 masks if possible, as there is a global shortage of these masks and they are best reserved for healthcare settings.

Guides on how to produce a face covering at home can be found on the website:”

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As the island and world deals with the Covid-19 pandemic, we are doing our best to provide timely and accurate information, and you can find more information on the links below.

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Comments (15)

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  1. Donderered says:

    The more revealing figure is that more than 10 per cent of those tested were positive but our ability to test remains woeful.
    It has been reported that the cayman has secured 200,000 tests from s. Korea.
    Why don’t we?

    • Vortex says:

      I think that’s nonsense, Cayman has a similar population to us, what would it do with 200,000 test kits?

      Thanks to the UK for sending 2,000 kits, that’s a lot for 65,000 people.

      Proud Bermudian, and proud to be British too.

      • Jus Me says:

        Once you test positive, you must test 3 times negative to be considered negative. Sounds like 4 to 1 for positve ppl at the least. ISTBC

      • Donderered says:

        What will it do with 200k tests kits? Lol. It will test everyone – it will know the exact spread, it will know precise numbers of who is and who is not infected.
        It will put them on the road to recovery far, far quicker. I am shocked by the naivety of your comment.
        Ps, the UK is sending 1k tests.

  2. Just saying says:

    That’s a shame..
    Not sure why the reason for setting the curfew for two days later then original date, give the chance for more spreading. You made the decision stick with it,stop back pedalling.

    • Stevie says:

      So curfew days for shopping. What next Caines We can only use the bathroom in the same time
      Got it WRONG

      • Stevie says:

        Where was premier Burt when Caines made statement re grocery shopping.

  3. Red rose says:

    While cayman has 200,000 tests kits on the way, we have 1000. Cayman will be able to test its entire population over and over, enabling it to get the firmest of grips on this virus.
    It will be out of the economic recovery blocks way ahead of bermuda.
    Why are we fumbling along when it comes to procuring tests? We keep being told ‘soon’ we keep being told 800, the 150, the 400, the 1000.
    If cayman can do this, why can’t we?

    • Mark says:

      Because unlike our myoptic anti British government the Cayman Islands actually see and enjoy the benefit of a close and RESPECTFUL relationship with Britain.

      • Vortex says:

        Ha, a lot of truth in that.

        I can imagine the conversation in Whitehall…‘So NOW they need us…’

        65 million people vs 65,000 people.

    • Shut them down says:

      200k tests?


      Having that many doesn’t make it any better. You know they only test ppl who show symptoms right?

      We have more than enough tests and when we need more there will be more on the world market.

      Lol cayman islands

  4. Southampton Resident says:

    The question we should all be asking is the source of infection of the three cases under investigation. Two of the cases have been “under investigation” for about a week now. If they are community based that information should be made public so that people will understand that it can and will happen here.

  5. Noelle says:

    So are the airline arrivals that were meant to but did not observe the required 2 week self-quarantine going to be prosecuted? They are obviously directly responsible for the new cases.

  6. Trump supporter says:

    Where the cog in the wheel.. his silence is worrying.

    • toadinthehole says:

      agreed. not one word since a press conference almost 2 weeks ago