‘Do Not Let Your Guard Down This Weekend’

May 27, 2020

Jeanne Atherden Bermuda May 2020MP Jeanne Atherden is urging the community to follow the Covid-19 guidelines while celebrating the upcoming holiday.

Ms Atherden said, “We are still seeing new cases of Covid-19, but Bermuda is doing well and Bermudians are, by and large, respecting the guidelines – so do not let your guard down this weekend.

“The holiday on Friday is the first in a series of holidays and we all know that Bermudians love to party, and I imagine there is some pent-up frustration at not being able to get out and about as normal.

“But if we get it wrong, if we do not practice social distancing, if we forget to wear our masks and if we do not limit our socializing, we will see the negative results and we will risk increasing the risk of an increase in Covid-19 cases.

“It would place at risk celebrations for the next holiday, National Heroes Day. Get it wrong now and we could be in lockdown for that holiday.

“Quo Fata Ferunt – Whether the Fates Carry [us] Our Fate is in Our Hands. If Bermuda is to come out of this, we need to do the right things, listen to the advice, follow the guidelines.

“Right now, we must all act like national heroes – be responsible, bend the curve, stay safe.”

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