City of Hamilton Offers Covid-19 Relief Options

June 21, 2020

Noting the “tremendous financial impact that the Covid-19 pandemic has wreaked across the globe,” the City of Hamilton said they have “implemented relief opportunities to assist Hamilton businesses and residents that are current City rate payers.”

“The full details of the relief package and application process can be found on the City’s website. Rates of relief differ substantially based on the type of relief being sought, from City taxes to City-owned property rents,” a spokesperson said.

“Existing al fresco customers and business tenants of City-owned properties are also eligible for rent relief and need not submit an application. Landlords looking to take advantage of tax relief must formally apply to the City to be considered; meet the outlined criteria; and must agree to share the relief with their tenants.”

City of Hamilton COO Dwayne Caines “We have a duty of care to our rate-payers to support them, where we can, as we all navigate towards a post-COVID-19 Bermuda. For some people, the financial impact has been devastating. It is our obligation to work with those who are eligible for relief so that their chances of survival and success are attainable.

“Without businesses, we have no Hamilton. The City has not been immune to the calamitous effects of COVID-19 but we’ve formulated a relief plan that we feel won’t compromise the level of service we provide, one that our rate-payers are accustomed to.”

Hard copies of the relief package can be collected from the City of Hamilton reception in City Hall, open Monday – Friday, 9:00am – 3:00pm. Applications for consideration must be submitted by Friday, July 24th, 2020. For further questions and queries regarding the relief offered, members of the public can send an email to

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