Report: Airlines Want To Prioritise 45 Countries

June 1, 2020

Bermuda has been reportedly been included in the list of 45 countries that airline companies operating in the UK — including British Airways, Easyjet, and Virgin Atlantic — want to “prioritise for quarantine-free air bridges.”

British Airways generally serves Bermuda — the only airline service the island has to the UK/Europe — and has previously said they plan a ”meaningful return to service in July 2020 at the earliest.”

The report in the Daily Mail said, “Ministers have been sent a list of 45 countries to prioritise for quarantine-free ‘air bridges’, it emerged last night.

“Airlines drew up the index last week at the request of the Government amid mounting fury over ‘unenforceable’ plans for a 14-day quarantine imposed on all arrivals.

“The list, agreed by airlines including British Airways, Easyjet and Virgin Atlantic, includes favourite holiday destinations in Europe, such as France, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Greece, along with the US and much of the Caribbean.

The graphic, via the Daily Mail, of the 45 countries. The wrong flag icon has been used for Bermuda:

Airlines To Prioritise 45 Countries For 'Air Bridges'

“Airlines want the first air bridges to be set up by the end of this month ‘at the latest’, sources said, raising fresh hopes for summer holidays abroad.

“The Government requested the airlines send it in, so they could have a sense of where the volume and demand would be. It’s quite a contrast to a week and a half ago, when Downing Street played down the idea of air bridges.’ They added the proposed list depends on countries wanting to set up an air bridge with the UK and the Foreign Office will have to drop its advice against all but essential global travel.

“Airline and airport bosses are due to meet Government officials tomorrow when details of the quarantine plan will be unveiled.”

You can read the full story here on the Daily Mail website.

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  1. Chaos Theory says:

    They may have got Bermuda confused with Barbuda and then Bermuda isn’t on the list ?? (JK)

    • Jack Archer says:

      Bermuda is a profitable route for BA: biz travel and students

    • Zina Edwards says:

      Yea. They put up the wrong flag. Oops.

  2. Kathy says:

    Bermuda needs additional competition not only from the UK but direct to mainland Europe including Paris, Switzerland, Frankfurt, Amsterdam. There is no excuse in 2020 other than the word MONOPOLY to give BA the only route to Europe via London. UNACCEPTABLE! Get working Dept of Tourism and open up more routes to Europe. BA has had the monopoly for FAR TOO LONG!