Responsibility For Tourism Moved To Premier

July 17, 2020

“Responsibility for tourism will be moved under the Office of Premier and will be added to my existing responsibility for economic development,” Premier David Burt said.

Speaking at yesterday’s [July 16] swearing in, Premier Burt said, “The need for the growth of tourism is more complex than ever and demands a renewed focus on the economic potential it represents for Bermuda.

“The new paradigm for tourism is more than the traditional leisure getaway that has represented our mainstay for decades. In a crowded marketplace where our competitors are not confined to any one region or defined by any single product offering, we must drive a demand for Bermuda that leverages more than our pink sand and blue water.

“In the coming days I will share more of a vision for a renewal in tourism that will defy the traditional and will give us a fighting chance to return Bermudians to work in all areas that depend on the tourism industry to make ends meet.

“Bermuda must become relevant again – and I welcome the challenge and know I will be ably supported by the team at Bermuda Tourism Authority, the Junior Minister for Tourism Senator Crystal Ceasar, and the Cabinet Office team.”

Replying to a question during the event, the Premier said, “I’ve made no secrets of the fact that I do not believe that – in some cases and instances – the Bermuda Tourism Authority is pulling its weight.

“There were supposed to be changes at board level, those were delayed due to the pandemic; they will not be further delayed.

“We have to make sure that we are actually doing what is necessary, and so I can be very clear, persons who are being paid twice as much as me, need to make sure they’re producing twice as much as me.”

The Cabinet changes follow after Wayne Caines and Zane DeSilva both resigned from the Cabinet after videos circulated showing them at a party at Blu not adhering to the Covid-19 regulations.

Renee Ming and Neville Tyrrell were announced as new Cabinet Ministers, with Minister Ming serving as the new National Security Minister, while Minister Tyrrell is the new Transport Minister.

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  1. sandgrownan says:

    Grubby politicians getting their hands in Tourism. They just love to do that.

    What experience do the Premier have, in developing a tourism strategy? Is it more or less than his crypto currency experience? What’s his track record in tourism?

    I’ll wait.

  2. Jack Archer says:

    Burt has effectively gone full circle and recreated a ministry of tourism and economic development – which existed under jamahl simmons 3 years ago.
    This and 3 ministers in charge of immigration, three in charge of gaming and two finance ministers all in 3 years looks very bad.

  3. Double S says:

    “We have to make sure that we are actually doing what is necessary, and so I can be very clear, persons who are being paid twice as much as me, need to make sure they’re producing twice as much as me.”

    Pretty sure the BTA has brought in more than 100 new tourists. That number was used to compare to your Fintech strategy which you admit has only created circa 50 jobs under your oversight in 3 years.

    Are you not pulling your weight Mr.Premier?

    Given the public education results you should probably take that portfolio over as well.

    • sandgrownan says:

      If points mean prizes, then David Burt and the rest of his cabinet clowns should be taking a 50% pay cut!

  4. dunn juice says:

    So does this mean Hanky PANKY wont be opening the new airport. Gingus man

  5. acegurl says:

    Is no one ever going to take over the tourism portfolio that has an eduction and experience in tourism? The motivation based on the BTA salary is absurd. Some people have to realize that they have an inflated sense of self. Jack of all trades mater of none. Arrogance is beginning to cloud their vision.

  6. Ringmaster says:

    Premier Burt is looking under the wrong hood. Changing the Board of BTA is not the answer. If he really wants to make a difference he should take over Education and solve that morass.