CURB Commend Road Safety Council Program

July 30, 2020

The Bermuda Road Safety Council’s program is commendable because it demonstrates restorative justice in action whilst also being preventative, CURB said today.

A spokesperson said, “CURB congratulations to the Bermuda Road Safety Council on their announcement that they will be conducting ‘mock sobriety tests’ so the public can learn about their blood alcohol levels.

“The Bermuda Road Safety Council’s program is commendable because it demonstrates restorative justice in action, i.e. it is proactive and works with the community to educate and inform them on blood alcohol limits, whilst also being preventative.

“The Council is to be commended for designing and launching this creative initiative. These kinds of restorative intervention programs provide outlets, especially for young people/students, to make them more aware and hopefully help them think twice about drinking and driving and the risks they are taking.

“The first mock tests will be taking place at Horseshoe Bay Beach on 31st July between 5pm and 7pm and will help people understand what constitutes their blood alcohol limit and when they need to consider taking alternate transport home. This ‘blow and know’ helps keep people safe whilst educating them on what their body can tolerate before it becomes too much.

“It is exciting to see Restorative Practices becoming more widespread in our community and to see social agencies, the Bermuda Police Service and Corrections move in the direction of restorative justice. For information on training in Restorative Practices/Justice, please reach out to CURB at”

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  1. sage says:

    Having “mock” tests fits the definition of restorative justice? Just advising people over the limit to take alternative transport leaves a lot of room for people to still ride/drive themselves home. Maybe the police should test every vehicle leaving the beach, that would be restorative justice, clamping down on serial offenders so regular folks can safely travel the roads without fear of being maimed or killed by some idiot drunk.

  2. Wahoo says:

    What…the…..? This is ridiculous.

  3. Almond says:

    I think the mock test aimed at creating greater public awareness is a good idea. But could somebody at CURB or Bernews explain what is meant by ‘Restorative Practices’ please? I genuinely do not understand.

  4. aceboy says:

    What nonsense is this? Why is CURB involved?

  5. saud says:

    I guess curb’s been busy kissing the plp…supporting their homophobic, xenophobic