Covid-19: 1,493 Test Results, One Positive

August 24, 2020

There were 1,493 test results received today and one was positive for Covid-19 — which was “classified as local transmission as the new positive was a known contact of a previously confirmed case” — so Bermuda has now had a total of 168 cases thus far, with 9 remaining active.

A Government spokesperson said, “Between Sunday and today there were 1,493 test results received by the Ministry of Health, and one was positive for COVID-19. The latest positive case is classified as local transmission as the new positive was a known contact of a previously confirmed case.

“Bermuda has had 168 total confirmed positive cases. Their status is as follows:

  • 150 have recovered, and
  • there are 9 active cases, who are
  • all under active public health monitoring;
  • none is hospitalized or in critical care, and
  • the total deceased remains 9.

“The average age of all of our confirmed positive cases is 58 and the age range of all of our positive cases is from 18 to 101 years.

“The source of all local cases is as follows:

  • 61 are Imported
  • 86 are Local transmission, with known contact
  • 19 are Local transmission with an unknown contact, and
  • 2 are under investigation

“Bermuda’s country status is “Sporadic Cases”. The seven-day average of our real time reproduction number is less than 1.

“In light of recent cases, the Department of Health since last week has visited the sites where a positive case was known to have been. This included a number of restaurants, a gym, and a leisure boat. Staff visited for contact tracing purposes, to answer any questions or concerns from individuals working in those venues and to ensure that appropriate cleaning and health protocols were in place.“

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As the island and world deals with the Covid-19 pandemic, we are doing our best to provide timely and accurate information, and you can find more information on the links below.

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  1. Red rose says:

    Community transmission – with a general election looming. Thanks premier

  2. hello says:

    Would be nice if the government could give more details on the cases and possibly listing the PUBLIC areas which the person frequented. I’m sure they can do this while protecting the identity of the person.

  3. Ringmaster says:

    Have the cases against MPs DeSilva and Caimes for breaching the Covid regulations at he Blu party been quietly dropped? People were heavily fined for merely being out past the start of curfew, not causing any potential public health issues, yet those with strong PLP connections get let off? Not really surprising I suppose.

  4. Dunn juice says:

    Silly question, dont hear nothing more of it.
    But zane keeps getting contracts..