Commissioner Corbishley Responds To Report
Commissioner of Police Stephen Corbishley has responded to a report about rape statistics in Bermuda.
“A recent report shared on Facebook suggested that Bermuda sits 5th in the world in relation to offences of rape,” Commissioner Corbishley said.
“The BPS and many other partner agencies in Bermuda are there to support victims of rape and any sexual offence against them. Rape is a horrific crime for anyone to suffer and causes long lasting and often irreparable damage to the victim, beyond the physical act itself.
“Additionally, the number of rapes reported to police and other agencies are far fewer than the reality, not least as many victims are afraid to report or find themselves in situations, for example abusive relationships, where such disclosure would lead to further violent and coercive acts being done to them.
“However, the article in question is misleading to some degree, as the data relied upon for Bermuda includes all sexual offences and not just the act of rape [attempted or otherwise].
“Within this category is included acts such as ‘flashing’ [i.e. with no contact to a victim] or ‘groping’ as well as cyber grooming. All very serious matters but very different in type and victimisation.
“The actual numbers of reported sexual assaults in Bermuda, has ranged from approximately 26 to 58 over the past years, noting that one victim can be subject of a number of recorded offences against them.
“However, the BPS is not complacent in this regard with the previously stated belief that many offences are not reported.
“Indeed, as Commissioner I would see rise in the reporting of these offences as indicative of greater confidence by victims to step forward.
“It is also essential to note, with confidence, that stranger attacks are extremely rare.
“Whilst an investigation into such a matter that took place recently at Point Shares continues, the likelihood of being a victim to a ‘stranger attack’ is extremely low.
“However, it is essential that the BPS and its partner services manage effectively the risk presented by a small number of individuals within our communities that are known and registered sex offenders.
“Finally, it also should be noted, that the data reported does not include sexual assault against children, which is captured in a separate crime category, Offences Against Children.
“Again this is a most serious category of offending where I share the belief held by many agencies in Bermuda, such as SCARS and the Coalition for the Protection of Children, that there is considerable and worrying under reporting in this area.”
The table below shows sexual assault figures by year from 2000 to 2019 [2019 is still being finalised].
“Anyone who has suffered sexual assault can contact in confidence:
SCARS [Saving Children And Revealing Secrets]
- [441] 297 2277
Center Against Abuse:
- Office: 441-292-4366
- 24 Hour Hotline: 441-247-8278
Women’s Resource Center:
- 295-3882
I believe it is more than time for Bermuda to update the laws concerning the age of consent. Currently it is 16 which is probably the lowest age in the world. I would suggest 21 but I would settle for 18. As there are individuals who groom these children as they approach the age of consent so that they can take advantage of them once they are of age.
I don’t disagree with your last statement. And I actually would agree the age of consent might be better at 18. However 16 is the more common age of consent around the world so I don’t think it’s accurate to say we are probably the lowest in the world. Most US states have 16 as their AOC and in in the majority of countries in the world, it’s 16. There are a fair number where it’s even LOWER which I’d totally opposed to. Nigeria, for example, it’s 11. Others it’s 13 or 14 or 15. And some other countries don’t even have an age of consent but you just have to be married which is why we see instances of child brides, etc.
Rape should be punishable with castration, even total removal of the private parts of the offender. I am sure 100% of people will agree, as long as they are not in favor of rape.
Commissioner of the Bermuda Police Force …what has happened to the Barbie case??
Black lives DO MATTER.
Corbishley owes Bermudians what is to happen to this woman. It will not be swept under a mat!!!!
“Corbishley owes Bermudians what is to happen to this woman. ”
You’re so full of hate … you can’t even spew out a coherent sentence. you are a pathetic fool.