‘Serving The Servers’ Last Voucher Distribution

October 13, 2020

Serving the Servers will make its final distribution this week, having raised $35,350 to assist restaurant staff whose livelihoods were being affected by the pandemic.

A spokesperson said, “Serving the Servers, an initiative launched with The Bermuda Chamber of Commerce during the early stages of the coronavirus pandemic back in May, will make its final distribution to Bermuda’s restaurant workers this week.

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“The initiative was conceived by Thomas Olunloyo, CEO of Legal & General Reinsurance, who asked individuals and companies to contribute funds towards grocery gift cards, which were then distributed to restaurant staff whose livelihoods were being affected by the pandemic.

“Over the last five months, Serving the Servers has raised $35,350, equating to 707 $50 grocery vouchers to be spent at The Market Place. Most of these vouchers have now been distributed to restaurant workers and the final batch will be handed out this week.”

Mr Olunloyo said: “The coronavirus pandemic has had a lasting financial impact on all workers in the hospitality sector, but Serving the Servers made a huge difference at a time of great need.

“We are extremely grateful to all the individuals and organisations that donated to a campaign that was launched when Bermuda’s restaurant staff faced an uncertain future and were struggling to meet their basic needs. Now that Bermuda is well into Phase 4, we hope you will continue to support your favourite local restaurants by eating out often and tipping generously.”

Kendaree Burgess, Chief Executive Officer at the Bermuda Chamber of Commerce commented: “The Bermuda Chamber of Commerce has been pleased to be part of such an important campaign for our restaurant industry.

“We thank all members of our community who have personally donated and hosted fundraisers to support the Serving the Servers program. The generous contributions have provided the restaurant sector support needed during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic. I commend Thomas and his team for taking the initiative to create a programme that has aided so many.”

For more information, contact Serving the Servers on servingtheserversbda@gmail.com.

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