Upskilling, Reskilling & Cross-Skilling Webinar

October 24, 2020

The Bermuda Economic Development Corporation [BEDC] will be holding a free webinar entitled “Upskilling, Reskilling & Cross-Skilling” on Wednesday, October 28.

A spokesperson said, “Join us to learn how to keep your business thriving with a skeleton workforce. Faced with the need to downsize, most small businesses needed, sadly enough, to lay-off employees and sustain business functionality and efficiency with a skeleton workforce. This is yet another challenge that calls for reconfiguring the operational side through skilled personnel. Unfold the immediate and near-future operational business needs, map skills, and motivate and engage your teams by either upskilling, cross-skilling, or reskilling them.

“Performance Solutions is working diligently with our client community. We are here to support, partner, and offer you effective, immediate, and at times, unconventional solutions. We have been building businesses for twenty years and can help you navigate through these unusual times.

“Ayelet Shrem is an Organizational Development specialist with over 20 years’ experience in the global, diversified business marketplace, now residing in Bermuda and part of Performance Solutions Limited professional team.

“For more information contact Ayelet at, or 441-705-2721

  • When? Wednesday, October 28th, 2020
  • What Time? 12:30pm – 1:30pm [ADT]
  • How Much? Free

How do I join?

“Please register for Upskilling, Reskilling And Cross-skilling on Oct 28, 2020 12:30 PM ADT here.”

BEDC Webinar Bermuda Oct 2020

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