Official Govt & Legal Notices For Jan 25 2021

January 25, 2021

The official Government and Legal notices for today [Jan 25] include a notice of intended marriage.


Marriage Notice: Maria Navarro & Alberto Peris

  • Notice Type: Legal Notice
  • Notice Sub Type: Notice Of Intended Marriage
  • Notice ID: LN0012/2021
  • Public Authorities / Department: Registry General
  • Publication Date: 25 January 2021

The Marriage Act, 1944

Notice Of Intended Marriage

The persons named and described hereunder have given notice to me of their intended marriage, namely:-

Maria Descalzo Navarro Of Devonshire Parish [Single] And Alberto Clemente Peris Of Devonshire Parish [Divorced]

Any person knowing any just cause or impediment why this marriage should not be allowed should enter caveat forthwith in the office of the Registrar General.

Dated this 21st day of January 2021.

Aubrey Pennyman
Registrar General


The official notices above have been republished from the relevant section on the official Government website. If you wish to view ‘hard copies’, the Department of Libraries & Archives prints them and you can visit the main library on Queen Street or the Government Archives in the Government Administration Building on Parliament Street to view them.

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