15 People Found Breaking Curfew On Weekend

February 15, 2021

“This past weekend, fifteen people were found to be in breach of the curfew,” the police have confirmed, with the police urging people to please abide by the restrictions.

Martin Weekes, Assistant Commissioner of Police explained: “It is a criminal offence to be out in public without lawful excuse during the curfew time of midnight to 5:00 a.m. If you are not sure as to who is exempted or how to apply for an exemption letter, please visit here.

“The BPS continues to carry out curfew checks at different locations across the island as part of efforts announced by Government to help stop the spread of the coronavirus. Last Saturday, The Honourable Renee Ming JP, MP, Minister of National Security met with officers who carry out these curfew checks, praising them for their efforts.

“Still, this past weekend, fifteen people were found to be in breach of the curfew.

“While we would much prefer compliance as opposed to prosecution, the BPS has a duty to uphold the law and will continue to prepare files on individuals arrested for breach of curfew, to be assessed by the Department of Public Prosecutions, which will determine what if any charges are to be brought. It should be noted that Covid breaches constitute a criminal offence and will appear on your record.

“It cannot be stressed strongly enough that overseas authorities may take note of these offences should you be convicted in Court, and question travellers on their reasons for having committed offences against the Covid Regulations when seeking entry into their country.

“I again urge that when leaving a location or event, you allow yourself ample time to get to your final destination before the midnight start of the curfew.”

“We all have a part to play in stopping the spread of the novel coronavirus Disease [Covid-19] and abiding by the curfew regulations, is key to helping achieve that objective.”

curfew square Police Feb 15 2021

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Comments (7)

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  1. Southampton says:

    Lock everyone up. They know what the law states.
    But, as usual, they will be told what a bad person
    they were and should not break the law.

  2. Bermuda says:

    “We all have a part to play in stopping the spread of the novel coronavirus Disease [Covid-19] and abiding by the curfew regulations, is key to helping achieve that objective.”

    I get that we need to abide by the law, but does the virus come out after midnight??

  3. Donna says:

    Sooooo. What is the penalty.??? Nothing we suppose There is such a thing as social media and even the newspaper to advertise the fine. Until then everyone will push the envelope

  4. Making Sense says:

    How can you charge people for breaking curfew after 12 am when in fact you have a public bus leaving Hamilton at 11 45pm? You law makers gotta be the dumbest…. omg

  5. Seriously? says:

    Oh STFU with your threats that we won’t be able to travel if caught in a curfew! That’s just utter nonsense and scaremongering at its best! How you can equate being late returning home to being a felony offender is beyond me and the Police have no right to make such threats! Maybe it’s time to shake up the Police service who work for us!!

  6. MADDOG says:

    How about you just do as you are asked – or is it that the rules are for some and not others? There are always people who think they are above everything, how about being responsible and doing what you are supposed to do. The Government set the rules the police enforce them – we all know what they are – temporarily suspend their license, maybe the inconvenience will make them think next time – you do know having a license is a privilege yes? and so what if a bus leaves Hamilton at 11.45pm if you know the curfew is 12 then why would you even be out and considering getting on it?