Cancellation Turned Into Fundraising Giveaway

March 28, 2021

[Written by Don Burgess]

Turning a negative is an art form mastered by Ethos. Yesterday’s Covid restrictions announcement by Government left the group a problem – what to do with food for 40 people for the Bombay Bicycle Club event.

The answer? Give the food away to anyone who stopped by their location at Leamington Caves but accept donations to go to the Family Resource Centre, with Ethos posting the food giveaway on their Instagram page.


Miss Gordon was one of the people who benefited from the Indian meal. She told Bernews, “I got up this morning and had many things to do and got a call from one of my best friends about the takeaway. This has been a real good start on my one day off a week.”

Mohamed Hamza, one of the owners of Ethos, said, “Because of the new code restrictions and how they came out so fast we were left with a situation where we had all this food that was catered for and spoken for but was now available. Food waste is a big thing and we wanted to see if we could sort of give it away.”

“We were just overwhelmed by the positive response we got,” Mr Hamza added. “It’s just really in line with what we’re trying to do here with regard to providing a really good space to connect ourselves and any guests.”

He said that sustainable development and hunger equality, and poverty reduction are a big part of Ethos; ensuring the food was not wasted ticked off those boxes.

Ethos is comprised Mr Hamza, Ryan Gibbons, Josh Bento, Ronald Burrows, and Shane Outerbridge.






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