Official Govt & Legal Notices For June 15 2021

June 15, 2021

The official Government and Legal notices for today [June 15] include appointments, cancellation of registration, list of proposed planning applications, traffic notices, a notice of publication of Parliamentary Register and more.


Corrigendum To GNO 474/2021 On Behalf Of Department Of Planning Re: Bermuda Plan 2018 Notice 2021

  • Notice Type: Government Notice
  • Notice Sub Type: Public Notification
  • Notice ID: GN0498/2021
  • Public Authorities / Department: Planning
  • Publication Date: 15 June 2021

Government Of Bermuda

Ministry Of Home Affairs

The Development And Planning Act 1974

[Act No. 51 of 1974]

The Bermuda Plan 2018 Notice 2021

WHEREAS The Minister of Home Affairs [“the Minister”] has caused a draft development plan entitled “The Draft Bermuda Plan 2018” to be prepared consisting of the Draft Bermuda Plan 2018 Planning Statement and Zoning Maps;

AND WHEREAS the Draft Bermuda Plan 2018 was declared operative on the 3rd day of December 2018;

AND WHEREAS objections and representations in respect of the Draft Bermuda Plan 2018 have been invited by the Minister and determined by the Objections Tribunal duly appointed for that purpose;

AND WHEREAS the Minister upon due consideration by him of the report of the Tribunal he deems it expedient to exercise in relation to the Draft Bermuda Plan 2018 the powers conferred upon him by section 11 [9] of the Development and Planning Act 1974;

NOW, THEREFORE, in exercise of the powers conferred upon the Minister by the said section 11 [9] of the Development and Planning Act 1974 and all other powers him hereunto enabling, the following NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that:-


  • This Notice may be cited as the Bermuda Plan 2018 Notice 202

Bermuda Plan 2018 approval

  • The Bermuda Plan 2018 is HEREBY DECLARED to have been approved by resolution of the House of Assembly on the 4th day of June 2021 and the Senate on the 9th day of June 2021 pursuant to the provisions of section 11 [8] of the Development and Planning Act 1974 and shall become operative on the 9th day of June 2021.

Inspection of Plan

  • The Bermuda Plan 2018 Planning Statement and Zoning Maps can be inspected on the Department of Planning website

Given under my hand this 9th day of June 2021.

The Hon. Walter Roban, JP, MP
Deputy Premier and Minister of Home Affairs


Corrigendum To GNO 477/2021 Bermuda Public Accountability Board

  • Notice Type: Government Notice
  • Notice Sub Type: Appointments
  • Notice ID: GN0497/2021
  • Public Authorities / Department: Ministry Level
  • Publication Date: 15 June 2021

The Minister of Finance is pleased to make the following appointments with effect from 1st January 2021, under the applicable Legislation unless otherwise indicated.

Bermuda Public Accountability Board

Bermuda Public Accountability Act 2011

  • Chairman – Mr. Gerald Simons
  • Mr. Andrew Marsh
  • Mr. John Bibbings
  • Mr. Richard Patching
  • Ms. Michelle Seymour Smith


Bermuda Monetary Authority Frank Crystal & Co Of Bermuda Ltd

  • Notice Type: Government Notice
  • Notice Sub Type: Cancellation of Registration
  • Notice ID: GN0496/2021
  • Public Authorities / Department: Bermuda Monetary Authority
  • Publication Date: 15 June 2021


Insurance Act 1978

Cancellation Of Registration

Under Section 42[1][A]

The Bermuda Monetary Authority in exercise of the powers conferred upon it by virtue of Section 42[1][A] of the Insurance Act 1978, [“The Act”], hereby cancels, at the request of the Company listed below, the respective Insurance Broker registration granted to the said Company under the Act, effective 21 May 2021: -

Frank Crystal & Co. Of Bermuda Ltd.

By Order Of The Bermuda Monetary Authority

Graham Lamb

Assistant Director

Bermuda Monetary Authority

Dated this 15th day of June 2021


List Of Proposed Planning Applications Advertised June 15, 2021

  • Notice Type: Government Notice
  • Notice Sub Type: Notification Of Planning Applications Registered
  • Notice ID: GN0495/2021
  • Public Authorities / Department: Planning
  • Publication Date: 15 June 2021

Government Of Bermuda

Department Of Planning

Dame Lois Browne‑Evans Building, 58 Court Street, Hamilton HM 12, Bermuda

Phone: [441] 295‑5151 Fax: [441] 295‑4100

Listing Of Plan Applications Registered [For Advertisement]

Applications registered on June 15, 2021. This list was printed on June 15, 2021.

Objections to applications must be received within 14 days of the date advertised [June 29, 2021]

Summary of Application Details

The applications shown below are available for review on the EnerGov Customer Self Service Portal [], or during normal working hours at the Department of Planning, 5th Floor, Dame Lois Browne Evans Building, 58 Court Street, Hamilton HM 12.

Letters of objection should state any interest which the objector[s] may have in property nearby, supply an address at which notice may be served on the objector[s], and provide a concise statement of the grounds of the objection.

For further information on the objection procedure see the Development and Planning [Applications Procedure]

Rules 1997.

Application Application #


Charjan Rumley S0025‑21

8 Rings Court

Warwick, WK09

Proposed Boundary Adjustments, Granting of Rights-Of-Way [R.O.W.] and extinguishing of R.O.W.

[Final Approval]


Phillip & Kanelli Marsh P0267‑21

4 Hungry Bay Lane

Paget, DV04

Proposed Addition and Renovations to Existing Cottage to Include Office, Kitchen Extension, Laundry, Removal of Exterior Steps, Removal of Fireplace, Relocated Tank Access.

[Final Approval]


Bermuda Government [Transport Control Department] P0213‑21

11 North Street

City of Hamilton, HM17

Proposed Installation of PV Solar Panels on Roof [376 Panels x 400 Watts = 150.4kW] on 7,158.47 sf.

[Final Approval]

David Amaro P0279‑21

4 Lines Estate Road

Devonshire, DV06

New Single‑Family Dwelling and Swimming Pool with Associated Driveway, Cesspit, And Landscaping, Site Walls [4 ft. Max Height] And Chain‑Link Fence With Gate [4 ft. Max Height].

[Final Approval]


The JDJ Marion Trust P0217‑21

Lot 16B Green Bay Road, Hamilton Parish

[Property between 12 Green Bay Road and 16 Green Bay Road].

Proposed New Two Storey Single Dwelling Unit, Boundary Wall [4 ft. Max Height] & PVC Fencing on Top [4 ft. Max Height] 8 ft. Max Combined Height, Boundary Chain Link Fence [4 ft. Max Height], New Driveway, New Entry Gate and Pillars [7 ft. Max Height], Rock Cut [4 ft. Max Height]

[Final Approval]


Appointments Pharmacy Council

  • Notice Type: Government Notice
  • Notice Sub Type: Appointments
  • Notice ID: GN0494/2021
  • Public Authorities / Department: Ministry Level
  • Publication Date: 15 June 2021

The Minister of Health is pleased to make the following appointments with effect from 1st January 2021, under the applicable Legislation unless otherwise indicated.

Pharmacy Council

Pharmacy And Poisons Act 1979

  • Chairman – Ms. Stephanie Simons
  • Dr. Terrylynne Emery
  • Mrs. Janel Nelmes-DeSilva
  • Mrs. Sheryl Martins
  • Ms. Ashley Smith
  • Ms. Beth Harrington
  • Ms. Olivia Benyak-Pitcher
  • Ms. Sian Bowen


Repaving – Wilkinson Avenue Harrington Sound Road – June 22nd To September 3rd, 2021

  • Notice Type: Government Notice
  • Notice Sub Type: Traffic Notice
  • Notice ID: GN0493/2021
  • Public Authorities / Department: Public Works Headquarters
  • Publication Date: 15 June 2021

Ministry Of Public Works

Road Traffic Act 1947

Wilkinson Avenue & Harrington Sound Road Hamilton Parish

Lane Closure For Ministry Of Public Works Paving

Tuesday June 22nd, 2021 Through Friday September 3rd, 2021

The Ministry of Public Works wishes to inform motorists that they will be commencing with reinstating the permanent asphalt for Wilkinson Avenue and Harrington Sound Road to Quarry Road in Hamilton Parish.

This lane closure will commence Tuesday June 22nd, 2021 through to Friday September 3rd, 2021. Working hours will be from 8:00 am to 3:30 pm, weekly Monday through Friday.

Motorists are asked to avoid this lane closure section on Wilkinson Avenue & Harrington Sound Road, and to use alternative routes for the duration of this trench work. Motorists will have access but will have to expect delays due to the temporary traffic control signs during paving along Wilkinson Avenue and temporary traffic lights further down on Harrington Sound Road by Shark Hole bend for BELCO’s ongoing trenching works.

Traffic controls for the paving works will be under the direction of the Ministry of Public Works representatives and will be managed through traffic control directional signs.

Motorists are advised to drive cautiously past paving crew and avoid speeding to protect themselves & workers on site.

The Ministry of Public Works wishes to encourage the full cooperation of the public and apologizes for any inconvenience that may result.

Should there be any questions regarding these works, please direct queries to the attention of Tina Beer-Searle, Civil Engineer Highways at 501-3044.

By Order

Hon. Diallo V. Rabain, JP, MPActing Minister of Public Works


Temporary Road Closure – BELCO Trench Work To Crossover Lanes [June 19th, 2021 & June 20th, 2021]

  • Notice Type: Government Notice
  • Notice Sub Type: Traffic Notice
  • Notice ID: GN0492/2021
  • Public Authorities / Department: Public Works Headquarters
  • Publication Date: 15 June 2021

Ministry Of Public Works

Road Traffic Act 1947

Notice No / 2021

Harrington Sound Road Hamilton Parish

Temporary Road Closure For Belco Trench Work To Crossover Lanes

Saturday June 19th, 2021 & Sunday June 20th, 2021

The Ministry of Public Works wishes to inform motorists that Harrington South Road near Quarry Road [south] will be closed for all traffic so that BELCO trench works can undertake a lane crossover from the eastbound lane to westbound lane.

This road closure will take place Saturday June 19th, 2021 and Sunday June 20th, 2021. Working hours will be from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm to expedite the works.

Motorists are asked to avoid this road closure section on Harrington Sound Road and to use alternative routes via North Shore Road for the duration of this trench work.

Harrington Sound Road will be completely closed to all traffic to allow for this trench work to crossover lanes.

Traffic controls will be under the direction of Island Construction representatives and will be managed through traffic control signals and signs.

The Ministry of Public Works wishes to encourage the full cooperation of the public and apologizes for any inconvenience that may result.

Should there be any questions regarding the road closure, please direct queries to the attention of Tina Beer-Searle, Civil Engineer Highways at 501-3044.

Dated this 15th day of June, 2021

By Order____________________________________________________

The Hon. Diallo V. Rabain JP, MP

Acting Minister of Public Works


Notice Of Publication Of Parliamentary Register

  • Notice Type: Government Notice
  • Notice Sub Type: Public Notification
  • Notice ID: GN0491/2021
  • Public Authorities / Department: Parliamentary Registry Office
  • Publication Date: 15 June 2021

The Parliamentary Election Act, 1978

Section 8[1]

Notice Of Publication Of Parliamentary Register

In accordance with Section 8[1] of the Parliamentary Election Act 1978, the annual Parliamentary Register has been published effective 15th June 2021. It is available for inspection at all post offices, police stations, at the Hamilton Library and at the office of the Parliamentary Registrar, Craig Appin House 3rd floor, #8 Wesley Street, Hamilton.

Please examine the register carefully for the following reasons:-

  • 1. If your name was on the 2020 Parliamentary Register and you are living at the same address, then under the provisions of the Parliamentary Election Amendment Act, 1999 that introduced continuous registration, your name should be listed in the register at the same address and in the same constituency.
  • 2. If your name is listed in the Parliamentary Register at a former address or under a former name, you must inform the Parliamentary Registrar at once by completing a Form 2 [either online at, or in person] and deliver it to her or send it to her in one of the self-addressed envelopes.
  • 3. If your name was on the 2020 Parliamentary Register and you registered a change of name or address with the Parliamentary Registrar during the period 1st June, 2020 through to 31st May, 2021, your name should now appear in the Parliamentary Register under your new name or at your new address.
  • 4. If your name was not on the 2020 Parliamentary Register and you registered during the period 1st June, 2020 through to 31st May, 2021, your name should now appear in the constituency in which you live.
  • 5. If you object to the entry of the name and/or address of any person in the Parliamentary Register, you may inform the Parliamentary Registrar of your objection, but no later than 15th July, 2021. The grounds for such objection must be in writing and accompanied by a deposit of five dollars [$5]. If the grounds for objection are established, the Registrar will refund the five dollars to you, but if the grounds are not established, he will pay the sum to the person affected by the objection [Section 17].
  • 6. If your name has been irregularly omitted from the register or the particulars relating to your name in the register are incomplete or inaccurate or both, you may give to the Registrar notice in the prescribed form of the change of particulars and the Registrar shall alter the parliamentary register accordingly [section 10A].

Any name listed in this register opposite a blank address field [no address] indicates that the address for that person-

  • [a] has not yet been added to the Government Land Valuation system; or
  • [b] is a person of no fixed address; or
  • [c] resides on a houseboat or other premises without a land valuation assessment number; or
  • [d] is unknown, cannot be verified or there are other anomalies with the address.

Where a person’s name is listed without a corresponding address that person MUST contact the Parliamentary Registrar’s Office immediately to update his or her particulars in accordance with section 10A of the Parliamentary Election Act 1978 or be subject to the removal of his or her name from the Register.

You are reminded that if you are eligible to register but your name is not on the Parliamentary Register, you may register at any time during the year. You will not have to register again. Your name will be in the next publication of the register.

The next publication of the Parliamentary Register will be on 15th June, 2022 or at an earlier date if an election or referendum is called before then.

15 June 2021 Parliamentary Registrar


The official notices above have been republished from the relevant section on the official Government website. If you wish to view ‘hard copies’, the Department of Libraries & Archives prints them and you can visit the main library on Queen Street or the Government Archives in the Government Administration Building on Parliament Street to view them.

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