Phase 3: New Regulations Take Effect Today

June 6, 2021

Bermuda is moving into Phase 3 today [June 6], with some of the changes to include the curfew changing to 12am to 5am, and large gatherings of a maximum of 50 people being allowed.

A Government spokesperson previously said, ”Bermuda will move into phase 3 on its road map to recovery on June 6, 2021.

  • ”The night-time curfew will be changed to 12am to 5am.
  • ”Recreational Boating will be allowed between 5am and 11pm. Boat occupants are allowed to stay overnight but must remain on the boat, which must be moored, berthed or anchored from 11pm to 5am. Boaters must remain on the boat through night-time curfew. Raft ups are not allowed.
  • ”Commercial Boating is allowed and not limited by group size restrictions. Boat capacity is limited per Marine & Ports licensing for Island Boats.
  • ”Large Gatherings will have a maximum of 50 people. The Minister of National Security will have the ability to issue exemptions to gathering size maximum.
  • ”Retail businesses and grocery stores can open with no limitations on capacity.
  • ”Bars, restaurants, nightclubs and sports/members clubs can open for table seated, indoor service as well as seated bar service. Table service is restricted to a maximum of 10 persons per table, and tables must be spaced 6ft apart.
  • ”Weddings, funerals, and domestic partnerships are allowed for indoor and outdoor ceremonies with a maximum of 50 people. Wakes and receptions are allowed up to a maximum of 50 people. Masks must be worn.
  • ”Religious Services can resume indoor services. The maximum gathering size does not apply, provided public health measures are applied. Congregations must wear masks at all times; officiants and choirs must wear masks if unable to maintain 6ft physical distance.
  • ”Gyms are open with equipment spaced 6ft apart. Staff, personal trainers and patrons must wear a mask when not working out and must maintain 6ft physical distance. Outdoor classes to maintain 6ft physical distance.
  • ”Personal Services: barbershops, beauty salons, spas, massage therapists can open and provide services that require face masks to be removed. Staff must wear masks at all times.
  • ”Event Facilities, i.e. Movie theatres, library, galleries, etc. can open with a maximum of 50 people.

The graphic showing the new regulations effective June 6th follows below [PDF here]:

Phase 3 graphics Bermuda June 1 2021

Speaking at the press conference earlier this week, Premier David Burt said, “It is the Government’s current plan, if our trajectory of low case numbers are maintained, to keep the Phase 3 restrictions that were announced on Tuesday and that will come into effect on Sunday, in place until June 24. Following June 24, at that time almost all restrictions will fall away with the exception of restrictions on large groups and the continued requirements for mask-wearing in indoor public places.”

The official regulations, which come into effect at 5am on June 6th, are below [PDF here]

covid-19 divider 1

You can find more information on the links below and also on our dedicated website, which is the most comprehensive resource and historic record available of Bermuda’s handling of the pandemic.

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Comments (14)

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  1. Question says:

    So the large gathering max of 50 doesn’t apply to churches. Why are large gatherings less risky if it’s in a church?

    • Keankowski says:

      It fits Burt’s voting demographic. So many double standards.

      Because prayer makes everything alright doesn’t it??

    • Ringmaster says:

      The decisions behind these new regulations make no sense, either medically, scientifically or from data. Large gatherings indoors are well known to be super spreader events, but it shows the power they have over Government.

      Do the police ever visit a church to check on their compliance with the regulations, or is that only limited to bars and restaurants?

    • Toodle-oo says:

      The answer to that question can probably be found in a ballot box.

    • Whatuthink? says:

      Or he just gave the cruise ship permission to operate at full capacity????

      “(Commercial Boating is allowed and not limited by group size restrictions. Boat capacity is limited per Marine & Ports licensing for Island Boats.)”

    • Sandgrownan says:

      They have god on their side?

      As I said elsewhere, the stupidity of this is that the Venn diagram of church goers and anti-vaxers is concentric circles. We’ll get some good examples of Darwinism.

    • God says:

      Because it’s the house of God! And Burts granny told him what’s what! Got to have them church votes!

  2. lion says:

    Another example of how Burt closes the gate after the horse is gone. The new regulations take effect from today but the most important one… protecting our border is put off for another week. We are constantly hearing ” now is not the time to let our guard down” when this gov does just that. The question is… WHY?

  3. Sally-Anne says:

    Do we know the reasoning behind no raft ups? Just facts please!

  4. The Bermuda Government claim that they follow the protocols and guidelines of the CDC and if this be true, why are we having a quarantine at all.

    In order to enter the USA you must have a negative test result 72 hours prior to landing into the U.S. and once you arrive in The United States of America, you are not made to quarantine upon arrival at all, so why are we making people quarantine, you don’t have to get tested upon arrival into the U.S., so the fact that this Government says they follow the CDC, is a load of “CRAP”.

    Bermuda should be accepting the pre-test of negative results from travelers that are entering Bermuda that they had gotten the test within the time period allotted. Then if one enters Bermuda with a pre-test that is negative and the test upon arrival at L.F. Wade is also negative, that individual should not be in quarantine and it’s illegal to do so.

    Bermudians need to wake up and know their legal rights.

  5. Triangle Drifter says:

    Meanwhile in the US the economy is roaring back to life. In most states masks are no longer a requirement. Businesses requiring masks

  6. Triangle Drifter says:

    Meanwhile in the US the economy is roaring back to life. In most states masks are no longer a requirement. Businesses requiring masks are getting fewer by the day.

    Here in Bermuda Burt tinkers with ever changing rules. Businesses struggle to stay operational. Burt is on a power trip. He was taught by the best.

  7. raskarr says:

    Raft ups not allowed

  8. Micro says:

    Again, where does the safekey nonsense fit it?