Blood Donor Raffle Winners Announced

July 9, 2021

The Bermuda Blood Donor Centre presented blood donors Jason Kyme and Lorraine King, with a prize each, donated by Hamilton Princess & Beach Club. The two prizes were a weekend stay at the hotel, and a champagne brunch. Included in one draw were the most active regular blood donors, and in the other all new donors, based on donations made over the last twelve months.

Dr Eyitayo Fakunle, Consultant Haematolgoist, who oversees the Blood Donor Centre comments: “We would very much like to thank all our new and regular donors who week in and week out help us save lives throughout the year. This raffle was a way for us to recognise the tireless giving of our donors. Thank you to Hamilton Princess for helping us celebrate their generosity.”

Two winners with Tim Morrison, General Manager, Hamilton Princess & Beach Club, and the Blood Donor Centre staff. From left to right: Alma Lou Polinar-Swainson [Phlebotomy Nurse], Susan Deverteuil [Phlebotomy Nurse], Lorraine King [blood donor], Dr Clyde Wilson [Chief of Pathology], Tim Morrison [General Manager, Hamilton Princess], Dr Eyitayo Fakunle [Consultant Haematologist], Jason Kyme [blood donor], Dawnette Been [Senior Technologist, Blood Donor Centre and Transfusion Services] and Kathy Stephens [Manager, Pathology]

Blood Donor Winners Bermuda July 9 2021

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  1. Toodle-oo says:

    A huge thank you to everyone involved especially the never to be known donors .

  2. Frank Vazquez says:

    Want more donors? Extend hours so that people that work 9 – 5 can donate after work. You may be donating your time but we are donating what is needed. O+