Commemoration Of The Martyrdom Of The Báb

July 9, 2021

The Smiths Parish Bahá’í Community is inviting the community for a Zoom observance of the commemoration of the Martyrdom of the Báb on Friday [July 9].

A spokesperson said, “The Smith’s Parish Bahá’í Community is inviting the Bermuda community to join us for a scheduled Zoom observance of the commemoration of the Martyrdom of the Báb, a Bahá’í Holy Day on which work should be suspended.

“This is a solemn anniversary to remember the day, July 9th, 1850 when The Báb [which in Arabic means “the Gate”], was executed at age 31 by a firing squad of 750 men in Tabriz, Iran.

“His only offense was to announce the coming of a new Messenger of God, Bahá’u'lláh, which ushered in a new world religion, the Bahá’í Faith. Before His execution, the Báb’s message spread widely, and despite brutal persecution and execution of thousands of His followers, the Faith endures.

“The Báb’s remains are interred in a majestic shrine atop Mount Carmel, in Haifa, Israel. The Shrine of the Báb is an iconic structure, a most holy spot, at which Bahá’ís and hundreds of thousands of others annually pay respects, honoring the message of unity promoted by the Báb: One God, One Religion, One Humanity.

“The Holy Day presentation is this Friday, July 9th at noon. The Zoom link is provided below. We ask that you kindly join the meeting with microphones muted.”

  • Topic: Commemoration of the Martyrdom of the Báb
  • Time: July 9, 2021 12:00 PM Atlantic/Bermuda

Join Zoom Meeting

  • Meeting ID: 833 2588 3698
  • Passcode: 673577

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