Video: Olympic Champion Flora Duffy Interview

July 28, 2021

The win was more than just a win, as it means so much to everyone in Bermuda, Flora Duffy said following her historic victory at the Tokyo Olympics, where she claimed Bermuda’s first ever gold Olympic medal.

Duffy — whose win gives Bermuda the distinction of being the smallest nation or territory in the world to have a gold Olympic medal — claimed the victory in a dominant style, finishing more than one minute ahead of the silver medalist and cementing herself as one of the best triathletes of all time,

In the video interview below she describes some of the excitement of her historic win, explaining that many in Bermuda were “erupting with joy” and, with a laugh, she noted some people in Bermuda may have had a “few too many beverages.”

“Thank you to everyone back in Bermuda who has been supporting me,” she said, adding she is grateful to bring home Bermuda’s first ever gold Olympic medal.

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  1. Iwilldoit. says:

    Fantastic job, Flora

    a silver lining in the otherwise glum mental envelope surrounding our little piece of the

  2. E, Gamble says:

    Congrats Ms. Duffy, a job well done.
    Just one question, the interviewer infers “the first medal for the Caribbean, does she not know that Bermuda is not in the Caribbean.