Health Minister On MDL Leadership Transition

January 28, 2022

“A plan for the transition of leadership for Bermuda Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory is already well developed,” Minister of Health Kim Wilson said, adding that “more information regarding the new leadership will be announced very shortly.”

Speaking at yesterday’s [Jan 27] press briefing, Minister Wilson said, “I want to assure the public that a plan for the transition of leadership for Bermuda Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory is already well developed. The Bermuda Health Council, assisted by the Ministry, has taken on this responsibility and we expect a smooth changeover next week.

“The staff at MDL is experienced and well-trained, and Dr Weldon is to be commended for her leadership to date and her assistance with this transition. More information regarding the new leadership will be announced very shortly.”

Dr Carika Weldon — the Science Advisor & MDL Laboratory Director — has resigned from her position, with her last day to be this Monday, January 31, 2022.

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You can find more information on the links below from our dedicated website, which is the most comprehensive resource and historic record available of Bermuda’s handling of the pandemic.

  • All Charts: Vaccine, testing & more here
  • Timelines: Dates of major developments here
  • Test results: Chart of testing stats here
  • Vaccine: Data covering vaccinations here
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Comments (5)

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  1. Joe Bloggs says:

    “Speaking at yesterday’s [Jan 27] press briefing, Minister Wilson said, “I want to assure the public that a plan for the transition of leadership for Bermuda Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory is already well developed. The Bermuda Health Council, assisted by the Ministry, has taken on this responsibility and we expect a smooth changeover next week.”

    I am glad to hear that “a plan for the transition of leadership … is already well developed”.

    I would like to hear that a plan for funding the Bermuda Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory is also well developed, but no such luck.

  2. aceboy says:

    A plan for a plan has been completed….classic PLP

  3. Citizen14 says:

    End the travel restrictions and return to normal education

    We are not following the science and the result is we are starving Bermuda economically when we have vaccines available and they prevent serious health impacts and mortality in the vast majority of cases. Don’t we believe the vaccines work? The science says they do. Further, if someone chooses to not be vaccinated, then so be it. They are adults and let them decide. If they are willing to bear the risk, that’s fine with me.

    The lack of in-person education is even more ridiculous as children have an extremely small likelihood developing severe disease WITHOUT the vaccine. We new they very early in the pandemic. The psychological and educational damage we are doing is tremendous and we must stop it now. Teachers, put on an N95 mask (or surgical mask, as surgeons wear them all day long) and open a window. Let the children return to normal school schedules and activities.

  4. District 32 says:

    Well thank you Hon. Health minister for your services. I sincerely hope you enjoy your retirement after the next election… We the electorate will follow the science and be very truthful and transparent.
    P.S. Take the Premier with you.
    Thank you very very Much !!

  5. Joe Bloggs says:

    “Don’t we believe the vaccines work?”

    The statistics say 72% of us do.

    “Further, if someone chooses to not be vaccinated, then so be it.”

    That’s a bit harsh on those for whom vaccination is not appropriate.