Minister Reminds Parents To Wait For Results
Minister of Health Kim Wilson has reminded parents that they “should not send your child to school until you have received their negative coronavirus test result.”
In releasing the latest test results, Minister of Health Kim Wilson said, “We are receiving reports of parents sending their children to school without first waiting to receive the results of their coronavirus test. Unfortunately in some instances, the children involved, test positive after having spent time in school interacting with others.
“I would like to remind parents that you should not send your child to school until you have received their negative coronavirus test result,” said Minister Wilson.
You can find more information on the links below from our dedicated website, which is the most comprehensive resource and historic record available of Bermuda’s handling of the pandemic.
- All Charts: Vaccine, testing & more here
- Timelines: Dates of major developments here
- Test results: Chart of testing stats here
- Vaccine: Data covering vaccinations here
- Dedicated website:
How dumb are you to not wait to see if ur child is positive or not and send the child school.
Such people are loyal to the drones who keep telling us that COVID-19 has not killed more than 5.5 million people and is no worse than a cold
You keep saying this. You seem unaware that the Omicron variant is much more transmissible but much more mild than Delta.
It is not the same variant, and does have the same danger, as the variants that killed 5.5 million people.
Maybe you should get out more.
The public, namely parents, would like to remind the Minister now that she has returned from and settled in after her lavish off-island holiday, taken in the midst of a global pandemic that is urgent enough to still have significant restrictions via emergency powers (also taken while at the same time putting those who didn’t have the means to go off island under CURFEW), that they cannot afford to wait any longer, because unlike her they have to actually DO their job to get paid.
How about she shuts up and concentrated on making sure her enforcement agents are out giving the maximum amount of tickets, wouldn’t want anyone that had their mask slip past their nose to get away with it without paying their fine!
You can’t be serious. For everyone’s safety you MUST wait for testing results to send your child school because now parents like me have to take off days as well because of a parent who chose NOT to wait and send their child to school. It has a ripple effect. Look at both sides!
Is there any part of government that isn’t absolute sh 1t?,
Marine & Ports boat licensing. But that’s about it.
Ok, well I’ll give them that. But the rest are absolute s$1#
Sounds like you’ve never had to deal with a mooring dispute issue.