ICO Decision On Bermuda Police Service

February 24, 2022

The Information Commissioner issued Decision 05/2022 in regards to the Bermuda Police Service [BPS].

A spokesperson said, “On 17 February 2022, the Information Commissioner issued Decision 05/2022, Bermuda Police Service [BPS]. The Information Commissioner found that the BPS did not issue an internal review decision to the applicant within the 6-week timeline set out in the PATI Act.

ICO Decision 05 2022 Summary

“However, during the Information Commissioner’s independent review, the BPS issued an internal review decision. As a result, the Information Commissioner does not require the BPS to take any further action with respect to Decision 05/2022. Decision 05/2022 is available on www.ico.bm.”

The full version of Decision 05/2022 follows below [PDF here]:

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