BRSC Monthly Topic: “Obey Traffic/Road Signs”
The Bermuda Road Safety Council [BRSC] introduced their monthly topic for April – Obey Traffic/Road signs.
BRSC Chairman Dennis Lister III said, “The Bermuda road safety council would like to take this time to introduce our monthly topic for April – Obey Traffic/Road signs. The importance of obeying road signs is of the utmost. Traffic signs are there to give guidance, direction, and warning and when we follow them our roads are safer.
“When traveling on the roads be observant for traffic signs and be ready to adhere to them. Bermuda has numerous traffic signs which are stated in the TCD Traffic Code Handbook. Upon receiving your drivers or riders license a person should know what the many signs state and every few years they should renew their knowledge on them.
“Whether it is a speed sign, stop sign, concealed entrance sign, or give way sign signs are there for our safety and by abiding by them we help to make our roads safe.
“The BRSC continues to remind the motoring public of their duty to follow not only all traffic signs but also all the rules of the road. The rules of Bermuda’s roads can be found in the TCD Traffic Code Handbook, and we encourage the public to take a chance to review it.
“I would also like to take this time to officially introduce the Bermuda Road Safety council members for 2022-2023. To those that served on the council in 2021, I want to thank them for their service and participation. Their time and input were appreciated and contributed to the progress we made last year. With the fiscal year 2021-2022 done and over, the BRSC will continue our mandate of educating the public on better driving behaviors, therefore creating better drivers and safer roads. To the new council members [names]. The council looks forward to this year with excitement and expectation of building on from last year. We also would like to introduce the JRSC for 2022, [names]. These 9 student leaders have taken on the challenge of being the face of road safety for their peers. We must start with the youth to help bring about change.
“The council takes every opportunity it can to remind motorists of the need to slow down. Speeding is one of the leading cause of accidents in Bermuda. Driving without due care, is another leading cause. These offenses are too prevalent on our roads. Reckless driving, where drivers show total disregard to the rules of the road and lives of others is too common and I call on drivers that behave in this manner is to stop. The risk of doing these acts is not worth the cost.
“Driving on our roads is a privilege and with that comes responsibility and accountability. If all road users were responsible and accountable for their actions, our roads would be safer.
“In closing, as we look to steady the ship and plow forward in 2022-2023, we call again for each road user to do their part to help make the roads safe.
“Each driver has a personal responsibility to ensure that they follow traffic signs and rules to ensure the safety of themselves and others as they travel about on the roads.
“Remember not to drink and drive, drive with care and caution and to slow down Bermuda.”
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Your recent radio commercial made in partnership with Clearwater School is the best road safety council message by far and should be made into a tv commercial.