City Of Hamilton To Undertake Paving Works

April 28, 2022

The City of Hamilton is advising members of the public that, commencing May 16th, paving works will take place along Front Street, from Burnaby Street to Parliament Street.

A spokesperson said, “Once these works are completed, paving will continue down Front Street from the Birdcage to the Ferry Terminal and then in the area of Point Pleasant Road, inclusive of Barr’s Bay driveway.

“The City apologizes for any inconvenience caused to commuters and asks for the public’s patience as we seek to improve our City’s roadways and sidewalks.”

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  1. jon says:

    i can think of some other roads in far greater need of paving

  2. question says:

    Is this supposed to be about road resurfacing? Or is it about sidewalks? What is being paved?