Health Worker Profile: Environmental Health

April 6, 2022

[Part 3 of a series of Public Health workers for 2022 Public Health Week]

Tracy Woolridge, Vector Control Programme

Photo courtesy Dept. of Communication//Mark Tatem

Tracy Woolridge is the General Foreman of the Vector Control Programme of the Department of Health. The Vector Control Programme is part of the Environmental Health section and helps prevent the spread of diseases and illnesses borne by vectors such as rodents and mosquitoes.

“As the foreman, I supervise the vector control team, control the provision of tools, poisons and necessary equipment and allocate daily work assignments,” said Mr Woolridge.

“Vector Control Inspectors help control rat and mosquito populations through proactive surveillance using mosquito ovitrapping [counting mosquito eggs] and rodent test baiting.”

The Vector Control team works hard to eliminate or control breeding habitats such as standing water and horticulture debris. They also inspect, advise and collaborate on controlling rodent and mosquito populations.

Mr Woolridge added, “Every day is a learning day but very rewarding seeing that Bermuda is free from disease, and I am proud to know that our vector control programme is one of the top-rated in the world.”

The team does not address bee, ant or other pest problems but can make referrals to private contractors who can assist.

If you, or a neighbour, identify a problem with mosquitoes or rodents, the Vector Control team will inspect your property, meet with you and develop a plan to get rid of the pests.

In the case of mosquitoes, the inspector will advise how to control the situation, but it will not remove the bugs for you—mosquito removal is your responsibility.

Contact Vector Control at:

  • Telephone: [441] 278-5397 or [441] 278-5333
  • Email:
  • Location: 6 Hermitage Road, Devonshire FL 01

Tache King, Environmental Health Officer

Photo courtesy Dept. of Communication//Mark Tatem

Tache King is the Environmental Health Officer [EHO] for the City of Hamilton, West District. She has been an EHO for 10 years but has been with Environmental Health since 2009.

Environmental Health covers a wide range of public health aspects, including Food Safety, Occupational Safety & Health, Housing and Investigations.

“My main duties as an EHO are inspecting all licensed premises including restaurants and food businesses, barbershops and hairdressers, spa and massage parlours, and Residential Care facilities,” said Ms King.

“We are also responsible for inspecting all plumbing installations and drainage lines for residential and commercial buildings, water, food and ice cream sampling and nuisance complaints.

“I would recommend a career in environmental health to anyone who is an extrovert and self-motivated. Those qualities are required to work with the public daily and meet the demands and deadlines of running a district or assigned area. The best part of being an EHO is the spontaneity and flexibility it allows on any given day. There are no two days that are the same, and the number of tasks we are responsible for allows for variety to keep things interesting.

Tache King holds a bachelor’s degree in Biology from Alabama A&M University and a Masters Degree in Environmental Health from the University of West England, Bristol, UK.

Martin Walker, Port Health Officer

Photo courtesy Dept. of Communication//Mark Tatem

Martin Walker is the Senior Port Health and Preparedness Manager in the Environmental Health section of the Department of Health. Port Health has a role in protecting the wider population and is principally about the protection of traveller health by preventing the spread of international diseases through conveyances or cargo.

“As a Port Health Officer, I inspect ships to issue internationally recognised Ship Sanitation Certificates,” said Mr Walker. “I also inspect food at the ports and investigate and control public health risks on board ships and aircraft; a good example being Norovirus cases on cruise ships.

“I started Environmental Sciences at “A” level after finding physics too difficult and realised that I enjoyed the subject. I enjoyed the concept of protecting health through prevention, which is trying to stop people from becoming ill in the first place.

“If you are thinking about becoming a Port Health Officer, you must remember that the more you put in, the more reward you will get out. You need to be thinking internationally, and if you can, the opportunities are exciting and potentially worldwide.”

Martin Walker has a Bachelors Degree in Environmental Sciences that is recognised by the UK Chartered Institute of Environmental Health to allow him to practise as an Environmental Health Officer. He also holds a Diploma in Acoustics and Noise Control. Port Health is a niche area of Environmental Health that focuses on protecting the public’s health [including air and sea crew] through Points of Entry [basically airports and seaports].

Susan Hill Davidson, Safety and Health Program Manager

Photo courtesy Dept. of Communication//Mark Tatem

Susan Hill Davidson has worked in the Department of Health for over five years as a Senior Environmental health officer and program manager of the Occupational Safety and Health section.

The Safety & Health Office monitors safety for all workplaces, both indoor and outdoor, investigating complaints, major accidents or ill health caused by workplace hazards. They may be harmful substances, dangerous machinery, working at height, radiation, indoor air quality or smoking.

“My main duties involve investigating workplace accidents and complaints, conducting compliance inspections and supervising the work of the Safety and Health Inspector and Environmental health officers,” explained Ms Hill Davidson. “Working as a safety and Health professional is rewarding as we are helping to keep Bermuda’s workers safer at work.”

Susan Hill Davidson has a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Health and postgraduate and master’s level qualifications in Safety and Health, Environmental Pollution and Public Administration.

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