Crewman Suffering Complications Due To Covid

May 4, 2022

On Monday [May 2] a visiting sailboat with a person onboard who was Covid positive and suffering health complications was transferred to hospital following consultation with the Chief Medical Officer and the Department of Health.

A Bermuda Maritime Operations Centre spokesperson said, “Monday 2nd May, 8:28 pm – Bermuda Radio receives a VHF radio report from a visiting 112 foot sailboat anchored in St George’s Harbour with 24 crew onboard. They advise having 1 crewman onboard who is Covid positive and who appears to be suffering health complications requiring medical attention ashore.

“Following consultation with the Chief Medical Officer and the Department of Health, RCC Bermuda coordinates an ambulance rendezvous with the vessel’s tender near Ordnance Island and the crewman is transferred to hospital.”

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You can find more information on the links below from our dedicated website, which is the most comprehensive resource and historic record available of Bermuda’s handling of the pandemic.

  • All Charts: Vaccine, testing & more here
  • Timelines: Dates of major developments here
  • Test results: Chart of testing stats here
  • Vaccine: Data covering vaccinations here
  • Dedicated website:

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