Bermuda Day Road Traffic Advisory Issued

May 26, 2022

The Ministry Of Public Works Road has issued a road traffic advisory related to Bermuda Day events tomorrow [May 27].

A Government spokesperson said, “Road traffic advisory in respect of the following events on Friday 27 May 2022:

1. Sinclair Packwood Memorial Cycle Race:

“Somerset Road, Bridge Hill, Middle Road, Burnt House Hill, Harbour Road, The Lane, Crow Lane, into the City of Hamilton, leaving the City of Hamilton on Cedar Avenue, Marsh Folly Road, to Dutton Avenue.

2. Marathon Derby:

“Somerset Road, Bridge Hill, Middle Road, Burnt House Hill, Harbour Road, The Lane, Crow Lane, into the City of Hamilton, leaving the City of Hamilton on Cedar Avenue, Marsh Folly Road, to Dutton Avenue.

3. Junior Classic Run:

“See City of Hamilton Traffic Order for their street closures [start of the race], leaving City of Hamilton on Cedar Avenue, Marsh Folly Road, and finishing on Dutton Avenue.

The full details of traffic control and road closures follow below [PDF here]: divider line ewrr

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