SPCA Team Rescues Dog And Five Puppies

July 25, 2022

This weekend, the SPCA team rescued a dog and her five puppies after they were found under a van.

In an online post, the Bermuda SPCA said, “This weekend the SPCA team rescued this sweet warrior of a dog had given birth to her five puppies just before we collected her. When we arrived, Xena was surrendered to us by a representative of her owners [who left right before we arrived].

“Xena was found nursing her newborn puppies under a van.

xena Bermuda July 25 2022 (1)

“Xena is malnourished, has a terrible skin condition which has no doubt left her extremely uncomfortable. These things don’t happen over night. Xena has been neglected for some time.

“Right from the beginning she cared for her puppies as best she could. To honour her warrior spirit, the staff have named her and her five pups after dog heroes in history.

“We are now working around the clock to give mum and pups the best chance of survival. It will cost in excess of $1,500 per dog if they make as far to require spay/neuter.

xena Bermuda July 25 2022 (2)

“A kind soul already paid for some puppy food and milk for us today.

“We are often criticised for being full; the exact reason we run a managed intake policy is so we are equipped and ready to take on an emergency case such as this.

“If you are able to donate towards the care of Xena and her puppies, please follow the link. Thank you.”

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  1. hair says:

    They need to find this owner and tie them to a tree for life, no food or water!

  2. sage says:

    Poor dogs, sad to know that there are basically no repurcussions for abusing and neglecting dogs, breeding them over and over to make a buck then just dumping them. Owner probably already has another, younger, puppy factory and a bunch of blanks out there just keep buying these overpriced pups.

  3. Triangle Drifter says:

    The animal responsible for this should be very publicly dragged through the courts.

    After that a heavy spiked collar & a heavy chain leash should be put on him & he should be dragged through town on a very hot day.

  4. Disgrace says:

    When will Bermuda hold these sub-human animal abusers accountable?

  5. trufth says:

    There are so many cases of animal abuse in Bermuda it disgusts me!
    What is wrong with these scumbags and what is wrong with those that don’t punish the abusers??

  6. Zaggah Zig says:

    How is this news? Skinny dogs are giving birth all over the real world and surviving like this one will.

  7. Maddog says:

    You know SOMEONE knows something about this poor dog. SPEAK UP PLEASE! If anyone sees any unacceptable behaviour (like a dog tied up all day long and not cared for) REPORT IT. Save the animal some grief – it can’t speak for itself! The individual responsible should NEVER EVER have an animal again or a child….how do you live with yourself every day? Abusive, uncaring, unaccountable monster….you should be left outside to die on your own…that is your punishment….there really are no words strong enough to describe you….