Liz Truss Resigns As British Prime Minister

October 20, 2022

Liz Truss has resigned as Conservative Party Leader, becoming the shortest-serving Prime Minister in British history.

A BBC story said, “Liz Truss has resigned as prime minister after just 45 days in office.

“The announcement, made by Truss outside Downing Street, follows the near-complete evaporation of her political authority which has seen her crash the markets, lose two key ministers and shed the confidence of almost all her own MPs.

“Truss will be the shortest-serving prime minister in UK history.”


A CBC story said, “British Prime Minister Liz Truss announced on Thursday she was stepping down, just over six weeks after taking the Conservative Party reins as leader.

“Truss’s short tenure was marked by shock over the government’s mini-budget, which roiled British markets, and internal party dissension leading to Cabinet departures and backbenchers expressing a lack of confidence in their new leader.

“Another Conservative leadership contest will take place within a week, Truss said in a short statement outside the prime minister’s residence at 10 Downing Street.”

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