CITV Series Continues With Sir John Swan

January 6, 2023

The CITV series ‘Conversations with A Former Premier’ featuring Sir John Swan will begin airing on Monday, 9 January.

A Government spokesperson said, “This is the second instalment in the series that chronicles the important aspects of Bermuda’s history. Sir John Swan held the office from 1982 – 1995. He has the distinction of being the longest-serving Premier.

“In the interview, Sir John discusses the events and issues he faced during his tenure, including establishing the historic US Tax Treaty with the United States, developing the insurance and reinsurance international business sector, and rebuilding Bermuda’s municipal and public housing infrastructure.

Sir John Swan Bermuda February 2019

“Premier Swan explains why after four successful elections, he put forward the Referendum Bill on independence in 1995. These and other subjects are covered in the interview with host Tina Evans.”

Commenting on the interview, Ms Evans said, “Sir John was candid and spoke directly about the period and events that shaped his years in office. Sir John is a masterful negotiator and shrewd politician who has skillfully developed relationships both here and internationally. He was relentless and strategic in pursuing the US Tax Treaty. Even today, Bermuda benefits from his decision to increase the island’s financial base.

“As one of Bermuda’s National Heroes, Sir John still enjoys a wonderful relationship and unique bond with the people of Bermuda. Sir John takes great pride in his contributions to developing a modern Bermuda equipped for the 21st Century.”

As he stated in the interview: “The future holds good and bodes well for Bermuda. I don’t have that fear Bermuda is going to just disappear. It has been through these hard times before and will overcome these hard times and become stronger than ever.”

The spokesperson said, “Conversations with A Former Premier, featuring Sir John Swan, will air daily through 3 February at the following times: 9.30 am, 5.30 pm, and 8.00 pm.

“CITV has filmed three separate interviews with former Premiers Alex Scott, Sir John Swan, and Dr. Ewart Brown. CITV plans to expand the series to include additional former Premiers.”

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  1. Joe Bloggs says:

    “Premier Swan explains why … he put forward the Referendum Bill on independence in 1995″

    Yes, he did. Premier Burt won’t make that mistake!