Column: Sir John On Independent Parliament
[Opinion column written by Sir John Swan]
How an Independent Parliament Could Transform Bermuda:
1. A New Foundation Built on Trust
- Independents bring fresh ideas with a focus on accountability, transparency, and ethics. Their shared national priorities are rooted in honesty and trust, setting the stage for real change.
2. Two Exciting Paths to Change
- Independent Majority: Imagine a government driven by the community, for the community, with decisions shaped by what Bermudians truly need. This could be a reality with an independent majority.
- Coalition Government: Independents holding the balance of power, have the flexibility, freedom, and authority to vote for the concerns of their constituents, ensuring the people’s voice is never ignored.
3. Governance with Stability
- Change doesn’t mean disruption or disorder. Under Bermuda’s Westminster system, an independent-led government would still operate within the existing constitutional framework:
- Members elect a Premier.
- The Premier appoints Ministers and Senators to ensure continuity and progress.
4. Smooth Transition to a Better Future
- System-wide reform takes time, but the current structure ensures stability while any changes are carefully planned and implemented with British Government approval.
5. A Ripple Effect of Change
- Independents can disrupt the status quo, energizing the political landscape with new perspectives and purpose, shaking up outdated ways of thinking.
6. The Momentum is Building
- Independents are already connecting with voters, sharing their vision, and proving their commitment. The campaign for change is alive, and the opportunity to reshape Bermuda’s future is here.
This is Bermuda’s chance to reimagine governance, driven by the people and for the people. Change is no longer just a dream—it’s happening now!
- Sir John Swan
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But Sir John,there are points in this column that you did not explain to your group of Independents. If you did, I know of at least five that would not have considered such a move. Or did you just realize such?
Pretty much reads how Bermuda was successfully run financially prior to the formation of the PLP.
Prior to the formation of the PLP or prior to the 2004 election?
I was referring to the Government being all Independents, then the PLP was created and the Independents became the UBP, but I can see where you get 2004 from.
Before the PLP was we did not have universal sufferage and Bermuda was basically being run as a private company is run. There were the privileged few and the majority were oppressed. This was during the height of the civil rights movement. “Financially successful”, you must believe that slavery is “good for business”. Never shall I forget that the 9 parishes are the names of 9 business men who failed to setup an agriculture export from these shores. Those same people had legal right to deem anyone they found in the “New world” to be “savages” and not humans, so they could have easily killed off the indigenous people who were here and made every effort to erase their stories from history. Nevertheless we still beat the Gombeys to this day because we who came here in chains know who and what we saw and how they tried to cover it all up!!! Independents formed the UBP lmao ???? businessmen formed the UBP!!!
“they could have easily killed off the indigenous people who were here”
What indigenous people, please?
What “indigenous people”?
So what happens when the Independents each decide to switch support for whoever they have pushed to the front? Or what happens when they can’t agree on things. There is a thing called stability which is what businesses want.
Also Sir John fails to realize that independents are who fooled the populous and then formed the UBP with the sole intent to block the largely black working class out of the political realm.
Let’s back up a bit. Prior to party politics in Bermuda the members of what is now known as the House of Assembly chose amongst themselves those best suited to form what is now known as Cabinet. And yes, those people tended to be successful businessmen of the day. The theory was what was good for the “40 Thieves” was good for Bermuda.
With the 1968 election came party politics. Now the choice voters faced was binary, vote for those who had traditionally managed Bermuda (the UBP) or vote for those who had not (the PLP).
As in the days before party politics, independent MPs do not have to follow any party line. They are free to differ from each other and from any or all political parties on any particular issue. That will not bring down the government and it might actually lead to improvement in Bermuda politics.
I remember Stuart Hayward’s one term in the House of Assembly. But that was a different time. Stuart Hayward was the only independent then in the House of Assembly. If we elect a dozen independents to the House of Assembly, they will represent one-third of MPs and they will have a voice.
No person
No Family
No army
No football team
No business
No Government
No venture can possibly survive with out sustainable income.
Money management or the lack there of will be the number one priority and a chalenge for who ever wins the election .
Your future is in your hands. !
As who ever is sucessfull will be starting their journey carring the national debt to whom i do not know loaded down with interest payments .
No wonder that secret is kept quiet because who would want our business out on the street .
Aparantly the UK has reached their borrowing limit so we have company along with many other countries due to several unfortunate circumstances.
Many will ask what is the solution in a nut shell .?
” Measure twice and cut once “.
Who holds the crystal ball ?
Bermuda needs to to garner a biger piece of the pie and I will say for along time in the future requiring fiscal responsibility .
We have to learn the lesson never bite off more than we can tie w
The only way we can do that is to improve on what we are good at and do best.
WE ARE NUMBER ONE and we are going to stay that way. and never ever forget that.
We are I doubt, not ready to re-invent the wheel just put more oil on what we have.
HOW ? Simple , we have to support our own country because no body is going to do that for us.
How do we do that many will all say.
Bermuda is like any other countries small city, but, it cost us the same to function and a nation with a small population trying to carrying the load .
Can we get money from thin air or can we ? Embrace sailboat racing.
I want our visitors to leave this Island to return home with tears of happiness roling down their cheeks .
We have a problem that has plagued Bermuda for a long time we have to stop this non sense we will not be no longer the island of NO! NO! NO !
Never kick a sick dog because it will turn on you and bite you .
The beauty of democracy is that if something isn’t working the voters have the power to demand a change.
Clearly Bermuda is not fulfilling its potential and Bermudians are aware of this and want change.
This is good news for our community and Island.
If the current government is the best option then so bet it but having more voices representing Bermudians isn’t a bad thing.
Good luck to all those that are running–thank you very much for your commitment and efforts!
I don’t understand where the fear of independents comes from other than a whole bunch of insecure people out there who need the comfort and security of being part of a team and having the team captain telling them what to do.
Before the formation of the PLP, and shortly after, the UBP Bermuda was run by independents. You will have to be more than 70 years old to even have the murkiest recollections of that time.
It was not perfect. A different age. Different norms but Bermuda was booming.Tourism was growing. Everyone had jobs. The MPs of the day were mostly DRs, lawyers, accountants, retail business owners, tourism people and so on. There were few, if any, CS people looking for another Government paycheck.
Being run by independents worked. No,they did not always agree with each other and yes, the average person in the street did not have much chance of being elected but that does not have to be today.
With enough independents elected in a couple weeks time we could see the dawn of a new political age. A back to the future sort of.
Political partys have failed Bermuda and the last 20 plus years have been disasterous.
“I don’t understand where the fear of independents comes from”
Fear of erosion of a power base?
I think that’s it.
The parties dont like when people have options. Easier for them to just say, go vote for us, the other guys are Eeeevil
The basic premise behind what he is saying is all correct.
For a good read on why the two-party system is not where we want to be…