Nine People Earn National Welding Certification

February 26, 2023

Stephen Dickinson, Aaron Hooper, Kyle Tucker, Kevin David Shiell, Vincent Smith, Romeo Laude, Erwin Loria,  Merryck Anthony Jones and Omar Kendall Rawles all earned their National Certification after successfully completing the welder’s practical assessment test.

A Government spokesperson said, “On Wednesday, February 22nd, 2023, the Minister of Economy and Labour, the Hon. Jason P. Hayward JP, MP, held a brief ceremony to award nine welder tradesmen with their welder ID cards and National Certification Certificate for successfully completing the welder’s practical assessment test, administered by the Canadian Welding Bureau assessment team.

“Under the National Occupation Certification Act 2004, Welding is a practical assessment that requires a minimum standard set by the Canadian Standards Association through the Canadian Welding Bureau. This standard requirement of national safety training for all construction-related jobs is guided by the National Training Board’s Occupational Advisory Committee, comprised of industry experts.

“Persons working and seeking employment in Bermuda as welders must meet the standard set out by the Canadian Standards Association through the Canadian Welding Bureau. This standard provides clear requirements concerning procedures and workmanship, as verified during the assessment and auditing process.

“The recipients of National Certification Certificates and participating businesses include:

  • Stephen Dickinson – MASS Ltd
  • Aaron Hooper – Ornamental Iron Works
  • Kyle Tucker – Perfect Pass Welding
  • Kevin David Shiell – Executive Iron
  • Vincent Smith – Executive Iron
  • Romeo Laude – Perfect Pass Welding Services
  • Erwin Loria – MASS LTD. Bermuda
  • Merryck Anthony Jones – Crisson Construction
  • Omar Kendall Rawles – BELCO


During the presentation, Minister Hayward said, “I would like to thank the various employers and businesses that continue to engage in the welding certification process. You make it possible by giving employees the time from work to participate in the two-day practical assessment conducted by the Canadian Welding Association representative at the Bermuda College welding facility.”

“I would like to acknowledge the efforts of Mr Jibreel Talbot – CWB Welding Inspector, former Occupational Advisory Committee Chairman, for his foresight in advancing the welding assessment process.”

“I am grateful to the training section staff of the Department of Workforce Development for their continued efforts and commitment to forge partnerships with key industry stakeholders to facilitate industry-driven certification programs that lead to securing employment opportunities for Bermudian tradespersons. ”

The spokesperson added, “The Department of Workforce Development continues to be steadfast in its commitment to formalize training and the awarding of National Certification to enable Bermudians to retool and upgrade their skill sets. This process is a career pathway for Bermudians to become certified and obtain the credentials required by industry and employers for employment opportunities in vocational, technical and trade occupations in the local workforce.

“To complement training and development programmes, the training section of the Department of Workforce Development has recently provided training for the NCCER Health & Safety Construction Skills certification to a cohort of nine [9] Bermudians. As a prerequisite requirement, Certification modules for construction site safety skills will be offered as a series toward the completion of the ten training modules. Upon successful completion, Bermudians will be certified and positioned to engage in opportunities that promote pathways to securing employment in the construction industry.”

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  1. unknown800k says:

    Can they weld potholes!

  2. Weld Bits says:

    Congratulations to all the individuals who earned their national welding certification! Achieving this certification is no small feat and requires dedication and skill. This accomplishment not only speaks to their individual abilities but also demonstrates the importance of quality welding in a range of industries. With this certification, they have set themselves apart as highly qualified professionals in their field, and I wish them continued success in their careers. This is a great reminder of the value of hard work and perseverance towards achieving one’s goals. Well done!

  3. Best welders says:

    “I really appreciate your emphasis on the importance of proper ventilation in the welding workplace. It’s something that’s often overlooked but can have serious consequences.”