NMB Launches Ambassador Programme

March 1, 2023

The National Museum of Bermuda [NMB] has launched a new education programme for adult lifelong learners: the NMB Ambassador programme.

A spokesperson said, “Free of charge and open to anyone living in Bermuda, the programme will consist of four interactive, in-person workshops [in March and April 2023] at the Museum. The programme will explore the art and science of museum visitor hosting to expand traditional docent practices and invigorate NMB visits.

“Participants will deepen their understanding of how visitors move through and engage with museums and explore the distinct capacity of museums to present multiple perspectives and promote critical thinking about the past, present and future. On completion of the workshop series, Ambassadors will be able to facilitate their own tour and learning activities to bring the National Museum and Bermuda history to life.”

National Museum of Bermuda March 2023

NMB Executive Director Elena Strong shared: “At NMB, we want to be a collective voice for and about Bermuda and make learning Bermuda history part of every educational journey on Island. This programme is part of our lifelong learning initiatives so more people can deepen their understanding of Bermuda history and learn more about the essential role that museums play in our community.”

The spokesperson said, “Dr. Janet Ferguson will be facilitating the four workshops. Dr. Ferguson is a community education and social arts practitioner with special interest in lifelong learning. Following her previous role as executive director of the Lifelong Learning Center, Bermuda College, she serves as adjunct and advisory faculty in the USA and Cayman and is a Trustee of the NMB Board and the Chair of NMB’s Education Committee.”

Dr. Ferguson shared: “The participatory museum has emerged as a site of significant transformative lifelong learning. The NMB Ambassador programme introduces an exciting object-based approach to critical engagement with and across multiple historical and contemporary narratives. I encourage you to register today!”.

The spokesperson said, “A maximum of 20 attendees has been set for the programme so interested parties are encouraged to register swiftly. Learn more and register at www.nmb.bm/ambassadors.

“NMB Ambassador Workshop Schedule:

Day 1: March 28, 9:30am – 1:30pm

How do we learn in the museum landscape?

“Explore the multiple ways in which adults learn, the role of learning styles, the impact of visitor demographic dispositions, and discover your own learning style. We will explore adult learning in the broader context of “the participatory museum” and what that means for the community.

Day 2: March 30, 9:30am – 1:30pm

Exploring the NMB topography

“This multi-sensorial exploration of the NMB will include a real-time survey of the layout of the Museum, the location of exhibits and installations. We will undertake a sensorial exploration of specific areas and discover the ways in which we “see” with our senses. We will highlight the value of recognising and working across multiple perspectives and the value of critical thinking.

Day 3: April 4, 9:30am – 1:30pm

History and the evolving role of the National Museum of Bermuda

“Gain a better understanding of the history, role and structure of the National Museum and importance of objects in sharing history and personal narratives. You will be trained in a range of experiential learning activities, including object inquiry.

Day 4: April 6, 9:30am – 1:30pm

NMB Ambassador projects

“Create and practice your own personalised, facilitated tour based on what you have learned in workshops 1-3.

“The programme is free of charge thanks to the Museum’s Campaign, The Future of History: www.nmb.bm/campaign.

“NMB is a Bermuda Registered Charity No. 136. The Museum is open every day, 9am – 5pm [last admission 4pm].”

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