Golf: Sherlock Qualifies As Leadbetter Instructor

April 30, 2023

Bermuda’s Quinton Sherlock Jr. has made a major step in establishing himself as an international elite golf instructor. For the past year and a half, he has been studying under David Leadbetter and his top instructors.

Sherlock has visited the Golfzon Leadbetter world headquarters in Orlando, Florida twice during the process, learning directly from Leadbetter himself.

Sherlock said, “I have positioned myself as the only Leadbetter Certified Instructor in West Africa. This will help give a much-needed boost to the work I do in Ghana with my NGO, Children and Adults Reaching for Education, Ghana.

“With better instruction and greater exposure our chances of helping a young person earn a golf scholarship one day increase. Likewise, as I hope to spend more time back in Bermuda, I’m positioned to be able to offer a level of instruction not presently available. The certification also brings with it a wealth of resources and the Leadbetter worldwide network.

“It is my desire to use my knowledge and passion to help develop the game of golf both in Bermuda and Ghana, West Africa.”

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