Live Updates: Gathering To Present SDO Petition

April 28, 2023

[Updating] People are scheduled to gather at 10.30am this morning [April 28] at the Cabinet Office grounds in Hamilton to present the petition against the 2023 SDO for Fairmont Southampton, and we will provide live updates as able. The plans for the hotel have prompted wide discussions, and to view all our coverage of the matter please click here.

Live video replay of the petition being presented

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  1. Bermydude says:

    Well, I understand the protest, but I believe that the developers have also explained there plans. Hotel first and them build as need appears.

    What I gathered from the protest, is a small group, a majority of elderly people that possibly have made there wealth, paid there mortgages ( if ever had one), educated there kids and so on, are just worried about themself and there wellbeing and not worrying about the other generations behind them. Also, it looks like lately we can’t even cut a casuarina tree, if its for development, because its hazard, etc. The National Trust, has been given everything they own, so in my opinion, they really don’t count!!

    Forward with progress, growth for our economy, that will create employment etc.

    • Jason says:

      This aint progress. They are literally holding the hotel hostage until they get to build more condos for rich whites. It’s the sad truth

      • trufth says:

        NEWSFLASH: “Rich Whites” don’t find cement block apartments piled on top of each other very appealing. These aren’t even right on the water.

        Is there even a demand for this type (and this much) block housing?

    • sandgrownan says:

      Build on Morgan’s Point. Then we can have our cake and eat it.

    • Toodle-oo says:

      Not true that the Nat’l trust has been given everything they own but I’d expect such misinformation from someone who doesn’t know the proper use of ‘their’ and ‘there’.

  2. Ringmaster says:

    How ironic. Hayward was the one who belittled Curtis Dickenson for failing to get the deal done. A 2 year old could have agreed this deal. No wonder Curtis resigned. The deal is so bad and clearly it was a case of my way or the highway, and Burt had to take Bermuda to the highway. It’s also ironic how the PLP has been forced to bow and kneel to the new masters.

  3. John Q says:

    Sparse crowd…

    • Joe Bloggs says:

      The rent-a-crowd lot do not respond well to groups other than the PLP/BIU

    • Ticky tacky boxes says:

      Almost every single vehicle that passed – including taxis, buses and trucks – honked in agreement though….

  4. sandgrownan says:

    I presume now, obviously, that the PLP will STFU about the airport?

    • Toodle-oo says:

      Never going to happen. Between that and the Morgan’s Point guarantee it’ll be regularly trotted out , especially in the lead up to the next election , to keep the masses angry .

  5. Economy says:

    Sorry, I laughed when I Saw this group! OLD/ RETIRED/ Not A Good Representation of the Population! When these Units get built over the Next 20 years, these people will already be in the ground , while we young people are here stuck with their Stupid, selfish, Spoiled Attitudes of chasing Economic Revival away! Same with the ‘my way or No way’ Environmental Groups. I hate having these attitude people around crying and moaning their way. The population will stand without them spreading their poison. May the SDO Get granted and help this stupid Economy which is continuing to plummet!!! I have a good many years of my life to go without people’s negative, selfish attitude getting in the way of moving forward. #OLD,RETIRED!
    We don’t need an Empty, Derelict Hotel on a prominent Hill for the next 20/years and Bermuda getting a worse reputation for financial development!!!

    • old retired says:

      Hey as&^%ole. These “Old Retired” people worked their whole lives to pave the way for you and for generations to come, so if you have any gripes, do something tangible about it yourself and make a positive change rather than just crying and moaning about it (taken from a quote by some idiot). As a last resort, take it up with our inept Government and let all of us old Geisers know how that works out for you.

    • Sandgrownan says:

      It’s because the rest of us were working to keep this dumb f*&k island afloat. That’s why we weren’t there.

    • Toodle-oo says:

      Taking what you saw at the demonstration as a belief of who are the only people concerned shows you don’t know much about the 4100 who signed the petition.
      Have you even looked at it ?
      Nonetheless , if you want your children and grand children growing up knowing nothing but a concrete jungle , something we’re rapidly approaching , then good for you.

    • Ringmaster says:

      I doubt believe there will be any hotel on that site for the next 20 years. It’s already 50 years old and the costs to bring it up to a reasonable standard will far exceed the proposed numbers. Just look at the Bermudiana Beach as a classic example. Still empty and being rebuilt with costs exceeding $100 million and this is 2 star at best.
      With the PLP selling out Bermuda to foreigners, in 20 years Bermuda will at best be full of gated communities keeping the locals out. So much for their electioneering over the last 20 years to portray the white people as the bogey men, but over time money takes over decency and integrity.

    • Joe Bloggs says:

      I am afraid, Economy, that you neither understand economics nor my generation (Baby Boomer).

      It was us who gave up our right to fish in the 1980s so that you and others (including my children and grandchildren) would have fish to catch today. It was us who preserved open space so that you could fly your kite on Good Friday. It was us who made sure you had a school to go to for your education.

      Your generation wants everything now, without having to work for it or wait for it.

      Your generation will leave nothing for the future if your attitude persists.

      Yes, I may be in the ground in 20 years (I would be in my 80s then), and if you get your way with Bermuda, I may be happy to go so I do not have to see the destruction of these beautiful islands.