Regiment Makes Three Appointments

April 14, 2023

A Royal Bermuda Regiment soldier of 26 years this month became the most senior enlisted member of the organisation.

A spokesperson said, “Warrant Officer Class 1 Luis Pereira urged young Bermudians to ‘take a chance’ and join the RBR, with the possibility that they too could one day become a Regimental Sergeant Major.

“As RSM, WO1 Pereira is responsible to the Commanding Officer for standards of drill and discipline.

“He has been among the Regiment’s full-time staff for 22 of his 26 years in service, including roles as a Full Time Instructor for each company. Most recently he was the Training Warrant Officer.”

WO1 Pereira said he was “honoured, happy and very proud” to become the Regiment’s 21st RSM.

He added that important characteristics for the role include being a good listener because: “One becomes the father figure for all enlisted soldiers.

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“Also, integrity, honesty and strong moral principles – always do the right thing, even if it’s unpopular.”
WO1 Pereira hopes to show others in the Regiment: “Hard work pays off.

“Never forget that you ultimately are here to manage and guide the men and women to be the best versions of themselves, both as soldiers and citizens.”

In a message to potential new recruits, he added: “To all young Bermudians, take a chance and join the RBR, you just might be an RSM in the future.”

The spokesperson said, “WO1 Pereira took over the post from Jason Harrell, who was commissioned to Captain on April 1 and became Second-in-Command of the Coast Guard.

“Capt Harrell initially joined the RBR in 1993, leaving as a Corporal in 1997 before a stint in the British Army. He later returned to the Regiment and has been on its full-time staff since 2001.

“He was the Regimental Sergeant Major for over four years.”

Capt Harrell explained: “The new role as Second-in-Command of the Coast Guard has come about as part of the overall expansion of the Coast Guard as it continues to grow to better assist the Bermuda Police Service and other agencies across the island.

“There will be an increase in both the full-time and part-time staff, as well as the opening of a sub-station in the eastern end of the island.”

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He added: “I was already working with the Coast Guard in my secondary role as an Operational Support Diver.
“This is an area where we have seen an increase in the number of callouts, so we continue to improve on our skills and capacity to respond.”

The spokesperson said, “In another key role handover, Lieutenant Christopher Matvey this month became Aide-de-Camp to Her Excellency the Governor.

“Lt Matvey, who was conscripted in 2010 and joined the RBR’s full-time staff in 2014, was most recently the Assistant Regimental Administration Officer.”

He said he was “quite proud” to have been selected for his latest role after an application and interview process.

Lt Matvey said: “If you would have asked me if I was going to be the ADC to the Governor when I was drafted, I would have thought that being the ADC would not be possible.

“But after years of hard work and proving myself I feel that I am ready to take on this new opportunity and face any challenges that come with it.”

He added: “There is a lot that goes with this position – personal security to Her Excellency, Head of Department for Governor and Staff, employee and facility management, and countless other tasks.

“I hope to learn and grow from being in this position. I am looking forward to meeting many people from across the island and overseas.

“What I will enjoy most is that every day is not the same.”

The spokesperson said, “Lt Matvey took over from Captain Alexander Gibbs, who has moved overseas.

“All three appointments were effective as of April 1, 2023.

“For more information or to join the Royal Bermuda Regiment, visit or call 238-1045.”

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  1. Protect de wicket and de runs come says:

    Congrats all. Thanks for what you do. But wait what did I just read??? “There will be an increase in both the full-time and part-time staff, as well as the opening of a sub-station in the eastern end of the island.” . We do not have the funds to keep schools open so we are closing many. Our fire departments which also act as EMT services are not running at anything close to normal capacity. The hospital in the East End is closed more than it is open. However, we suddenly have the money to hire soldiers to do what exactly? Why open a sub-station for the regiment in the East? When the Regiment was mandatory and there were many more soldiers this wasn’t necessary. Now that we have far fewer soldiers we must expand to the East? I just don’t get this government. Their priorities are #@^%*!