Bermuda Rejoins Caribbean Tourism Organization

May 3, 2023

Bermuda rejoins the Caribbean Tourism Organization as a member country “through a collaborative partnership with the Bermuda Government and Bermuda Tourism Authority,” the BTA announced today.

A spokesperson said, “The BTA also remains accredited by Destinations International [DI].

“The CTO is the region’s tourism development agency including Dutch, English and French country members and a myriad of private sector allied members. The CTO’s vision is to position the Caribbean as the most desirable, year-round, warm weather destination. Its purpose is Leading Sustainable Tourism – One Sea, One Voice, One Caribbean.

“The CTO’s mission is to provide to and through its members the services and information needed for the development of sustainable tourism for the economic and social benefit of the Caribbean people. The organisation provides a range of services to members including advocacy, the CTO Scholarship Foundation, human resources development, finance and resource management, research and information technology and sustainable tourism development.

“The BTA, through its CEO Ms. Tracy Berkeley, is represented on the CTO Board of Directors while The Hon. Vance Campbell J.P., M.P., Bermuda’s Minister of Tourism becomes a member of the CTO’s Ministerial Council, the highest decision body.

“The BTA has also been accredited by Destination International [DI] since 2015, meeting the highest possible standards of destination marketing organisations [DMO] around the world. More than 2,000 DMOs are estimated to exist worldwide and less than 200 have achieved DI accreditation, and the BTA is among those members.

“DMOs are charged with representing a destination and helping the long-term development of that community through a travel and tourism strategy. As an unbiased resource, DMOs serve as a broker or an official point of contact for group, business and leisure travellers.

Vance Campbell, Minister of Tourism said, “As our tourism sector continues to recover following the difficult Covid years, it is important that we have access to and work with similar jurisdictions to share ideas that have been successful and can benefit Bermuda. Memberships in both the CTO and Destinations International will be of great value as we continue to build a successful, sustainable tourism industry that helps grow our economy and provide exciting and empowering careers for Bermudians.”

Tracy Berkeley, BTA CEO said, “Bermuda’s membership of the CTO as well as being accredited with Destinations International will ensure our team can access expertise from other destination marketing professionals, resources and ideas to continue reinvigorating and growing Bermuda’s tourism sector. Sustainable tourism is increasingly important to travellers from around the world and we believe our membership with the CTO will be mutually beneficial as we showcase Bermuda’s efforts in this regard and cooperate and collaborate with our Caribbean neighbours. Our membership of Destinations International will also provide our team with ongoing access to professional development to ensure Bermuda remains a world-class destination.”

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  1. Roger Lambert says:

    On the surface sounds Good to be with a group, a tourism group. Maybe we would get some of the MILLIONS of tourists and potential tourists for that area, including their regional airlines chartering to here.