BSX Collaborates With BDA & BTA For WFE

May 30, 2023

The Bermuda Stock Exchange [BSX] announced its collaboration with the Bermuda Business Development Agency [BDA] and the Bermuda Tourism Authority [BTA] in welcoming the World Federation of Exchanges General Assembly and Annual Meeting in Bermuda this September.

A spokesperson said, “The Bermuda Stock Exchange [BSX], a wholly owned subsidiary of Miami International Holdings, Inc., announced today its collaboration with the Bermuda Business Development Agency [BDA] and the Bermuda Tourism Authority [BTA] in welcoming The World Federation of Exchanges [WFE] 62nd General Assembly and Annual Meeting in Hamilton Bermuda from 19–21 September 2023.

“The WFE General Assembly and Annual Meeting will see a global membership delegation from over 90 countries and nationalities gather in Bermuda for a two-day conference where leaders from capital markets and financial services including global exchanges, regulatory authorities, the buy side and government meet for in-depth discussion on topical issues in the exchange industry.”

“We are excited to be working with the BDA and BTA,” said Gregory Wojciechowski, CEO of BSX. “Hosting the General Assembly is a first for Bermuda. The WFE General Assembly is a key meeting for our industry, attracting a global stock exchange audience and will be an excellent opportunity to showcase Bermuda’s strength in financial services.”

“Hosting the global leaders of WFE’s more than 250 member exchanges is a significant opportunity for Bermuda,” said David Hart, CEO of the BDA. “We are pleased to partner with BSX for this one-of-a-kind conference in Bermuda. Nothing beats walking around the city of Hamilton to get a true appreciation of our unique value proposition as the world’s risk capital. We congratulate BSX on this achievement and look forward to assisting BSX in showcasing Bermuda and making the event a success for the jurisdiction.”

“We extend a warm welcome to the attendees of the forthcoming WFE conference in Bermuda, where International Business and Tourism stand as the twin pillars of our economy, relying on each other for mutual success,” said Tracy Berkeley, CEO of BTA. “The gathering of participants from over 90 countries serves as a powerful testament to Bermuda’s continued appeal as the perfect destination for corporate events.”

“We are looking forward to holding our 62nd General Assembly & Annual Meeting in Bermuda,” said Nandini Sukumar, CEO of the WFE. “This event is crucially important, as WFE members and stakeholders from all over the world gather to discuss the future of the industry and issues that matter to us. We are excited to collaborate with the BDA and BTA and are eager to experience the uniqueness and beauty of Bermuda.”

The spokesperson said, “For more information on the WFE General Assembly and Annual Meeting or to inquire about sponsorships, please contact Gemma Godfrey at”

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