Officials Disgusted By Vandalism At School

May 12, 2023

Commissioner of Education Kalmar Richards and Acting Education Minister Walter Roban “expressed disgust at acts of vandalism at the Dame Marjorie Bean Hope Academy – Bermuda’s school for special needs students.”

A spokesperson said, “The school was vandalised last week, causing extensive damage to the glass doors, windows, and other areas. The vandals also damaged a specially equipped bus owned by the charity Friends of Hope Academy, which transports students to curricular and extracurricular events.”

Mrs. Richards said, “This outrageous act of vandalism has impacted the school’s ability to provide regular programming to our students. We are working closely with the DMBHA family to mitigate these impacts.”

Minister Roban said, “I am angered and infuriated with the unwarranted act of violence and violation on the Dame Marjorie Bean Hope Academy. There is no justification for anyone to have committed this terrible action. All it has done is impede the valuable work of the educators and frustrate the opportunity for the students and families to benefit from the important work of this facility.”

“The Bermuda Police Service was immediately alerted when the vandalism was discovered on Saturday and is actively investigating. We support every effort of the BPS to investigate and apprehend the perpetrator[s].”

“To those in our community who would like to support the Friends of Hope Academy, Charity #7222, donations can be made to HSBC 010-133700-001.”

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  1. Joe Bloggs says:

    All right thinking people should be disgusted by the vandalism

    • question says:

      Yes. The people who did this are disgusting creeps.

  2. trufth says:

    You can be disgusted all you want, you still won’t punish the losers if you catch them. This is Bermuda, we give out “stern talkings to” and slaps on the wrist for far worse than this.

    Now THAT is what is disgusting.