Documentary On 1981 Strike To Be Screened

May 1, 2023

The public screening of the much-anticipated documentary, Victory, the story behind the island-wide strike in Bermuda in 1981, will be held at 7pm on May 5th at the Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute.

A spokesperson said, “The public screening of the much-anticipated documentary, Victory, the story behind the island-wide strike in Bermuda in 1981, is set for May 5 th at the Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute at 7pm.”

Creator and Producer, Rick Richardson, stated today: “We are extremely excited to put this significant part of our history on display at the BUEI auditorium on Friday May 5th.

“This documentary will feature the actual speeches, marches, demonstrations, and the fall out on the days leading up to the total shutdown of businesses and institutions across Bermuda”.

A spokesperson said, “The hour-long documentary will give a short chronology of the origins of the labour movement in Bermuda, and then with first person interviews of the stakeholders of the day, bring to life the unprecedented events surrounding the island- wide strike action that paralyzed Bermuda.”

In further explaining the purpose of the documentary, Mr. Richardson added: “We believe it is important to document in a meaningful way, through firsthand reports and film, the work of labour under the banner of the Bermuda Industrial Union.

“As the strike of 1981 impacted on the socio-economic, and political developments in Bermuda like few other events in the history of the Island, we believe it’s imperative to depict the events as captured, so that the era is accurately portrayed as an historical record for the generations of residents, students, and those viewing Bermuda from afar.”

The spokesperson said, “There are limited tickets available this week at the Mall Studios in The Washington Mall, Hamilton, or email”

Public Screening For 'Victory' On May 5 2023

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  1. Tv please says:

    Can Bermuda Broadcasting Company show this one night? It would be great for the whole island to be able to see. Thank you

  2. Mark says:

    The organizers of that day must be ashamed at what the BIU has become

  3. Ringmaster says:

    Victory? The whole scale destruction of the tourist sector is now termed a Victory? Sums up the way the PLP/BIU has continued to destroy tourism and now the environment with all their SDOs. BIU won’t make much from the SP development as most workers, in construction and the hotel, will be non Bermudians. If there are 500 unemployed Bermudians from the closure of the SP, why are so many at St Regis for example non Bermudian? Same with construction Island wide.

  4. Robert Keill says:

    How on earth can this be called “Victory.”?

    • Reflections of? says:

      Easy….this movie brought to you by the same minds that called the last election a victory. What they mean is Victory, “for a select few”. Everyone else suffered and we still do. Absolutely nothing here to be proud of. I am curious and will probably see it, if available to view for free, but I wonder if they will talk about how the BIU paid their members?

      • Joe Bloggs says:

        “What they mean is Victory, “for a select few”. Everyone else suffered and we still do.”

        You do realise that that is what PLP supporters were saying under UBP rule, right?