Governor & Premier To Attend King’s Coronation

May 4, 2023

Governor Rena Lalgie and Premier David Burt are to attend the Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III and the Queen Consort, which will be held this weekend in the UK.

A Government spokesperson said, “The Coronation programme commences with a Small Island Development States [SIDS] briefing at Lancaster House hosted by His Majesty the King. This is followed by The King’s Reception for Overseas Representatives and Heads of Government and hosted by Their Majesties at Buckingham Palace.

“The Governor and the Premier will attend the Coronation ceremony on Saturday 6th May at Westminster Abbey and the Coronation Concert at Windsor on Sunday.

“At the conclusion of the Coronation programme, the annual Joint Ministerial Council [JMC] with elected Leaders of the Overseas Territories will commence and will be chaired by The Rt. Hon. Lord Goldsmith, Minister of Overseas Territories.

“The Joint Ministerial Council is the highest political forum between the UK Government and Governments of the Overseas Territories.”

Governor Rena Lalgie and Premier David Burt Bermuda May 2023

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  1. Ringmaster says:

    Burt has become a real embarrassment to Bermuda. Never here, thankfully, but jetting off and attending this and that as if he is important. Why isn’t he speaking about the SP SDO? Where is the Minister of Tourism? Is the SP not important? The developer is saying he hasn’t spoken with Government, yet Burt has said the deal is done. Which is it?

  2. Unbelievable says:

    Another freebie photo op bs session for the man and party that want a Britain gone. Absolute bollocks. Talk about 2 faced or does he finally think perhaps we do have a great relationship with Britain.

  3. Jonah says:

    Classic PLP, hate the UK, but love the free ride.

    Ewart Brown and now Burt.

    All hypocrites.

    • Unfortunately says:

      His track record indicates you are right . And which anti-colonial BIU leader asked for a holiday Monday?Unbelieveable. You can’t make this stuff up.

  4. comfortably numb says:

    The hypocrisy of this man never ceases to amaze me. He’ll dismiss the British government’s generosity during Covid as ‘trinkets’ but will happily accept that first class ticket on BA to Heathrow and eat and drink to his heart’s content at the various events staged around the coronation. Mr Two Face.

  5. Joe Bloggs says:

    I can understand Her Excellency attending, but why the Premier? The PLP hates everything British!

  6. alkd says:

    He’s doing his job. and we’ve seen 2 party leaders accept dameship. I’d be thrilled to see him become the 2nd ‘Sir David’.

    • sandgrownan says:

      Selfless service is required, not personal enrichment….

      He needs to be a uniter, and not a divider…

      And he needs to stop f*****g lying.

      Aint gonna happen.

  7. NERD says:

    Many of you sound silly. The premier, regardless of his political view is in a role. Attending the coronation is part of this role being we are still a British Overseas territory. If he snubbed the invitation then some of you would lose your mind. But your critical of him actually attending? Make it make sense. And before you come at me, I’m no PLP or Burt fanboy.

    • Funny says:

      To say if he snubbed an invitation. Stop being a hypocrite. Face the facts.premier and Nerd..c He is critical of the British and thst is not part of his role but he relishes it and loves to still hang out with royalty even though he wants to abolish colonial ties. Send the Deputy. Need we say more.As clear as daylight.

    • Joe Bloggs says:

      “If he snubbed the invitation …”

      I missed that. Where is it reported that our Premier was invited to the coronation? Please provide a hyperlink.

    • Real Deal says:

      thank you. i was going to post the same thing these commenters are two faced they know why he could not snubbed the invitation they will be the first to be on him about disrespect about not going